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Comment count is 12
fluffy - 2014-10-17

If only there were space for an "awkward moments" tag.

infinite zest - 2014-10-17

Woah! Speaking of "uncovered," I just realized that I had no idea what Terry Gross looked like.

oddeye - 2014-10-17

It looks like Terry Gross... looks really gross.

blue vein steel - 2014-10-18

sometimes her inflection really annoys me, but she is a really solid interviewer.

Jet Bin Fever - 2014-10-17

I hope you're taking notes wannabe PUAs, this is how you impress the ladies. Notice how Gene negged her before showing his dominance.

jimmyboblahey - 2014-10-18

Chaim Simmons forgot what music was about.

Binro the Heretic - 2014-10-18

Guy acts like he's a fucking rock star or something.

Terry's tough. She can handle assholes.

Jack Dalton - 2014-10-18

I remember when I first heard this interview-- I did not know much about Gene Simmons, but he sounded like everything you hope your favorite rock star is not in real life.

Scrimmjob - 2014-10-18

Gino should take a class from Diamond Dave on how to be a lovable scumbag. Instead of being the smug scumfuck jewfro that he is.

urbanelf - 2014-10-18

This interview made me hate Gene.

undecided - 2014-10-18

Good interview.

BHWW - 2014-10-18

One's surname happens to be Gross; the other simply is gross.

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