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Comment count is 13
love - 2007-03-04

I detected faint homoerotic undertones throughout. also - kiity!

boba. - 2007-03-04

is he getting PEED ON near the end?

jaunch - 2007-03-04

Fat guy's penis toward the end. Barely SFW.

Rozetta - 2007-03-04

The search is over! John Edwards, we have your official presidential campaign anthem!

KnowFuture - 2007-03-04

Them's nipples on those bouncin' boobies about a minute in, so yeah, NSFW

fluffy - 2007-03-04

I suddenly understand what this song is actually about.

Jacques Strap - 2007-03-05

Wonder why it was banned?

rhythm rider - 2007-03-05

wonder what the set smelled like

kiint - 2007-11-08

wet latex and manimal

Herr Matthias - 2007-03-06

5 just for Holly Johnson's seizure at the end.

BtheP - 2007-05-13

Wait, come where?

x - 2007-12-28

Bravely rated and reviewed, ryanowens.

phalsebob - 2008-07-11

Frankie is gay? WTF! I'm suddenly very confused about the 80's. I suppose you're going to tell me that George Micheal is gay to?

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