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Comment count is 12
baleen - 2014-10-23

My sister in law is Filipina and her mother worked as a maid in Saudi Arabia. They didn't beat her to my knowledge but they treated her as a subhuman.

Simillion - 2014-10-23


Braze - 2014-10-23

Saudi arabia has brought so much good to the world

fedex - 2014-10-23

LiveLeak is where I for all my International News of the World today!

SolRo - 2014-10-23

liveleak is where you go to see source material for news that will appear buried on a tiny number of niche sites in a couple months, if at all.

Also it's great for boosting alcoholism.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2014-10-23

Imagine how shitty things must be in your native country if you're a woman willing to go to Saudi Arabia for work.

SolRo - 2014-10-23

Probably isn't as shitty as being a migrant worker in SA.

You're confusing the world perception of SA (a rich, clean and stable middle eastern nation) with the real SA (a corrupt , clean, segregated totalitarian theocracy).

A lot is based on hearsay, public relations spending, and deceptive immigration companies/smugglers. Like how all those kids from South America and Cubans on boats "know" they'll get a new life and good job if they just get across the American border.

Adham Nu'man - 2014-10-23

In Cuba people eat very humble, very flavorless meals, have almost zero chance of becoming obese and almost zero chance of starving.

If they do become obese somehow, they have some of the best state paid medical facilities available worldwide. They also have constant access to free high quality international concerts, musical schools, gymnasiums, theatre, bla bla bla etc. etc.

A lot of people are willing to leave Cuba on a raft in the hopes of buying an iPhone 6 and renting a Loft apartment. People who have fled Cuba consider those who stay behind and are proud as morons, while Cubans consider emigrants to Miami as "gusanos" (earthworms).

I don't know who's right and who's wrong, but Cuba is definitely not the worst country in the world by a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG stretch.

SolRo - 2014-10-23

my comment wasn't on the conditions of Cuba, but the perceptions of Cubans fleeing to America.

Adham Nu'man - 2014-10-24

Yeah I know I just wanted to talk about Cuba.

Nominal - 2014-10-24

But Saudi Arabia bans immodestly dressed women in print and video games! How could there still be real life mistreatment of women in such an ideal society?

SolRo - 2014-10-24

If that's your biggest complaint about SA, then boy are you gonna be surprised!

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