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Comment count is 15
The Mothership - 2014-10-27

Alabama Hot Pocket.

The Mothership - 2014-10-27

No seriously, they actually made an Alabama Hot Pocket joke.

yogarfield - 2014-10-28

And they didn't even use it right. He said "Get her Alabama Hot Pocket". Unless he wants somebody to shit inside of her first? That's just gross.

Kid Fenris - 2014-10-28

The last shot of this trailer nicely lends itself to a horror-flick recut.

Prickly Pete - 2014-10-28

How did this get made? No, seriously, I'm fascinated to know how this works. Do things like this actually turn a profit somehow? Or is it some sort of tax deduction? It's clearly a racket of some kind.

badideasinaction - 2014-10-28

They're make-work projects. Low budget, low return but everyone on the cast and crew gets to eat. DVD/streaming guarantees and some meagre box office combined with enough product placement to cover major expenses, that's all.

Old_Zircon - 2014-10-28

You can stream this on Netflix right now.

Lurchi - 2014-10-28

I thought this was Elliot Rodger's favorite movie but it turns out that was Alpha Dog (q.v.)

Nominal - 2014-10-28

It seems like every cheap Animal House knockoff in the past 20 years has been made by exactly the kind of assholes that Animal House was making fun of.

Oscar Wildcat - 2014-10-28

Gamergate: the movie!

Old_Zircon - 2014-10-28


countvelcro - 2014-10-28


Caminante Nocturno - 2014-10-28

This is literally a porno without the sex.

IrishWhiskey - 2014-10-28

I notice they have all the set-up for a movie that mines it's comedy from practical jokes... and no practical jokes.

The line "we do everything we can to run the Deltas out of this place" is followed by a shot of a guy just banging pans at the girls. No swapping their make-up with bear attractant, no airbags in their office chairs, no replacing their guest speaker at a fancy party with a stripper, no building a robot to infiltrate as their house mother, nothing.

Could they not think of any? Because they could just watch Screwballs II and steal their jokes. It's not like anyone's expecting creativity, but at least some effort when ripping things off would be nice.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2014-10-28

I was too stressed out in college by my grades to even think about this, but do fraternities even exist anymore? Is that still even a thing? Because I can't help but feel like this is just like making a movie about a bunch of young people becoming hippies and just singing protest songs, it's so anachronistic.

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