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Comment count is 6
Rozetta - 2007-03-10

Dueserpenti's anti-war beliefs aren't compromised by the pee-puddle he makes while watching this.

Cleaner82 - 2008-10-11

Stop girling up a great clip with your slapfight, ladies.

dueserpenti - 2007-03-11

Rozetta's being a fag is not compromised by ANYTHING, sweetheart!

Caminante - 2007-03-13

Bitch fight in the review sections?

dr_rock - 2007-03-15

it's gone :(

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2013-08-03

Replacement video in the replacement video hopper.

What a great scene. He's so rehearsed, because he was rehearsing his speech for all those years, and it gives you a sense of what a big moment this was, and allows Tarentino to include all that detaiul/ seen from Butch's perspective. The mother watching in the background. Solemn and funny.

Haven't seen this in a long time. Looked this scene up when I saw an old watch on "Pawn Stars" just now.

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