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Comment count is 13
Monkey Napoleon - 2014-11-19

Is it wrong for me to think this concept is actually pretty funny?

urbanelf - 2014-11-19

Alethicly wrong, no. Morally wrong, yes.

Meerkat - 2014-11-19

This makes me appreciate how delightful it must be to be Jim Carrey. At least until he hangs himself or something.

EvilHomer - 2014-11-19

I'm going to be really sad when that happens. I know it will happen, and I have time to prepare, but I don't think our foreknowledge will make it any easier to handle when he finally does hang himself.

blue vein steel - 2014-11-19

Thankfully he's laid off the anti-vax stuff since leaving McCarthy, because i'm an unashamed big Jim Carrey fan

infinite zest - 2014-11-19

It's playing near my house for 5 dollars, and after this I think I'm ready to drop 5 for a movie with a 35 metacritic score and most likely the same jokes I didn't find funny the first time. When I was twelve. Daniels and Carrey are probably the two best actors in Hollywood right now IMO, and to see them dicking around for however long this movie is sounds like fun.

infinite zest - 2014-11-19

changed my mind. Robert DeNiro is a great actor but I wouldn't go see Meet the Fuckers or whatever. I'll save my 5 dollars.

Innocent Bystander - 2014-11-19

That could have easily been longer.

yogarfield - 2014-11-19

Twist: Jeff Daniels is actually operating that horribly wrinkled Jim Carrey puppet.

snothouse - 2014-11-19

As a puppet maker/sculptor, I am pretty impressed with that head. I would assume he has a bunch of off-camera people guiding him through the process (those are not his hands making that wig) - I did some browsing, but does anyone know if that's his studio or is this at a pro building shop?

Chancho - 2014-11-19

I'm not surprised at his general art skills. He would be an awesome animator with his acting and skills at manipulating his body.

Old_Zircon - 2014-11-19

I wonder if he's ever one any uncredited motion capture work, and if not then WHY?

cognitivedissonance - 2014-11-19

Further evidence that he actually is a puppet, and must regularly perform the necessary ablutions to remain alive in his hellish damnation, forever staving off oblivion by patching himself with latex.

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