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Desc:The expert who may or may not have raped a girl in 1990 speaks out (nothing has been proven....yet)
Tags:Bill Cosby, glenn beck, ZIP ZOOBITY BOP, House of Cosby
Submitted:Jack Dalton
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Comment count is 24
Hooker - 2014-11-24

He didn't just rape that woman in 1990.

He murdered her as well.


Grandmaster Funk - 2014-11-24

You know, Glenn Beck could have seeded this whole "Glenn Beck raped and murdered a woman in 1990" thing himself, to discredit any subsequent allegations of rape and murder in 1990 that may surface. It really is cause for concern.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2014-11-24

And to my knowledge, he has never denied either charge. It's awfully suspicious, as if he has something to hide.

Maggot Brain - 2014-11-24

I too have also heard that Glenn Beck along with Bob Saget raped and murdered a girl just out side of Baltimore, Maryland in 1990.

infinite zest - 2014-11-24

Yeah I alluded to that as well in a different interview. Saget was also a father figure icon (although with less of a cultural impact) and for a lot of kids growing up with his wholesome "comedy" (including myself) a look at most of his personal stand-up routine would be damning if someone actually came forward and said what Gottfried said was true. But were that to happen Saget would immediately responded, because that was a joke. Cosby may have gone into some weird territory in his routines, but so do a lot of comedians, especially Saget, and I think using that as any evidence towards very serious off-state allegations is pretty lazy and unprofessional.

It's true that Cosby was caught with *ahem* his pants down when the initial interviewer asked him about it; chances are he or his publicists didn't know who Hannibal Buress was and it must have felt like a left-field question, so a "no comment" gets a pass there, at least from me. But addressing the issue, which has included various out-of-court settlements in the past, is what Cosby is not doing, which only perpetuates the guilt.

To put it another way,

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2014-11-24

I find the irony of Glenn Beck being upset about "media rape" ironic enough that it should be causing everyone in the studio physical pain.

Also, regarding his sweatshirt: Mr. Beck, from what I've heard, you are no man from Nantucket.

Meerkat - 2014-11-24

There once was a man from Nantucket
Who wanted his cash by the bucket
He used vapo-rub,
Said "Bloo blah bloo blub"
And then told his watchers to suck it.

That guy - 2014-11-24


John Holmes Motherfucker - 2014-11-24

I saw a comment to an article where someone argued that "anyone with common sense" can see that this is a frame-up because so many women are coming forward.

Not getting the logic, but I'm getting the desire for this to not be true. Bill Cosby is like a member of my family. he was like part of the family, and that was pretty extraordinary considering that we were white, he was black and it was the 1960s.

Almost FIFTY years ago my Dad bought those classic albums about Noah and Go Carts and the Lone Ranger, and Getting Your Tonsils out. and we all loved them. We watched his comedy specials, and listened to his syndicated radio show. I watched the Electric Company because I heard he was going to be on it. (I bought a biography of Bill Cosby from Schoolastic Book Services, through my school. Is SBS still a thing?)

Oddly enough, by the time Cosby was having his biggest success in the eighties, I had tuned out, Didn't really watch the Cosby Show that much. Dr. Huxtable was cool, but he wasn't really the raconteur we'd all loved, meaning all of us, my brother and my parents.

Do I have a point? Yeah, my point is that this is fucking terrible.

spikestoyiu - 2014-11-24

If it were only one woman, I'm sure that person would make the same argument. "Of course it's bullshit. It's only one woman! She's clearly out for money."

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2014-11-24

The refutations based on gender seem to go:

One woman = she's a golddigger.
Two women = it's a con job.
Three or more women = it's a conspiracy.

I can see why this isn't coming out until now, if it's true. Imagine trying to say someone of Cosby's celebrity status did anything wrong at the height of his media presence, his work in kids' TV, etc.

That said, I didn't watch the Cosby Show much because it all seemed to be recycled parts of his standup routines or just strung-together scenes in a house where everyone had one-liners. It was plot-lite even by sitcom standards.

EvilHomer - 2014-11-24

It could be a frame-up, I don't think it's likely, but that's why we have courts of law. To determine whether their allegations are true, and either exonerate him, or have him spend the rest of his life behind bars.

EvilHomer - 2014-11-24

Context? This clip is edited down and jumps right in during the middle of a conversation. When Mr Beck says "that's media rape", what, precisely, is the "that" to which he is referring?

TeenerTot - 2014-11-24

An AP guy asked Cosby about the allegations, Cosby fumbled around with a non-answer, then asked (demanded?) that (portion of?) the interview to be scuttled.
AP guy did not scuttle it.

I think.

StanleyPain - 2014-11-24

Basically, yes. The AP decided to air the clips of Cosby asking that the interviewer not air the portion of the interview in which Cosby says he doesn't want to talk about it.

EvilHomer - 2014-11-24

Oh, well in that case, just chalk it up to media-rape-culture. That sort of behavior is so common, and AP boys will be AP boys, right?

Hopefully Bill doesn't go off and do something crazy to get back at the reporter. Like rape him.

Old_Zircon - 2014-11-24

Who does he think he is, Whoopie Goldberg?

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2014-11-24

Well he schooled us.


Jet Bin Fever - 2014-11-24

that was a solid cosby, even in text form.

Nikon - 2014-11-24

>Maybe we should have a lesson on rape.
Let me heat up the time machine and then we'll go back to 1990.

fluffy - 2014-11-24

Yes, that's exactly what rape is, asking for permission to do *anything* and then doing it anyway.

"Hey I'm going to take a piece of gum, okay?"

"Please don't."

"Too bad, I already did."

TOTALLY the same thing.

Jet Bin Fever - 2014-11-24


Old_Zircon - 2014-11-24

So what the fuck am I going to call my sweaters this winter? I've only got two that are real 90s Coogi I could credibly call "Biggie Sweaters," the rest are either weird knockoff Coogi or dated looking knits.

Old_Zircon - 2014-11-24


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