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Desc:These idiots came to my high school back in 92-93. (mandatory assembly of course)
Category:Classic TV Clips, Humor
Tags:EIT, john jacobs, power team, high school satanic worship
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Comment count is 11
EvilHomer - 2014-11-26

I'd like to see some unedited footage of these guys.

jreid - 2014-11-26

I say the same thing about pretty much every EIT video.

They manage to find these fascinating and hilarious cultural nuggets, but then shit all over them with their hamfisted 'editing'.

EvilHomer - 2014-11-26

Some of the EIT stuff is good, but I think the trick is, they work best when their source material is bland and boring; infomercials, clips of dogs, that sort of thing. When you've got something deliciously absurd in it's own right, like a Christian body-builder doing anti-drug Christian bodybuilding stunts in front of elementary school children (?!), then I'm sorry but there's no way your wacky edits are going to improve on the original.

It's like reuploading "Garbage Day", only you write "LOL" and "FAIL" in big red letters across the middle of the screen whenever something funny happens.

dubz - 2014-11-26

Honestly, remove the voiceover and that's pretty much it.

Testify > break blocks with head > testify > rip phone book > testify > break 2x4 > testify > break handcuffs > accept jesus as your lord and savior? > donate to our mission!

kingarthur - 2014-11-26

His ridiculously padded jumpsuit is hilarious. When I was in high school, we had a mandatory assembly to go and watch this DC Talk knock-off Christian band. Hell, it may have been DC Talk.

Maggot Brain - 2014-11-26

He's must of over come a lot being born a couch with a human head.

Aress - 2014-11-26

My high school had us go to an assembly with these guys. People don't believe me when I tell them about this lunacy, so now I have proof it's a real thing. I was so enraged I walked out after 10 minutes. I'm still full of rage and loathing for them. This kind of thing should be funny but in this case it's just... too personal.

garcet71283 - 2014-11-26

I think i repressed this because i have some vague memory of thus too...

dubz - 2014-11-26

Oh wow... the fuckin' Power Team.

My youth group went to see them when I was a sophomore in high school (1990). Later that same evening they were removed from the local 24 hour diner for being drunk and disorderly. I couldn't understand how godly people could do such a thing.

Looking back, that was one of my first steps to the realization that evangelical christianity was a load of shit.

Thanks, Power Team!

Mother_Puncher - 2014-11-26

I saw these people when they came around here when I was in like 5th or 6th grade. I wasnt impressed nor did I learn anything.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2014-11-27

Yea and God said "I shall flex my arms. And all thou Israelites shall cycle and take the creatine I have laid out for thee".

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