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Comment count is 29
Old_Zircon - 2014-12-05


She knows.

fedex - 2014-12-05

I'll just leave this here...


gravelstudios - 2014-12-05

OK. We all know she needs to quit it with the high squeally stuff that made her famous. She's older and has had a couple of kids and her voice can't do it anymore. But I still think she's a really good singer. And I'll give her a pass on this one because it's obvious there's a problem with her monitor. She keeps touching her ear piece. That's the universal sign for "Hey sound guy, I can't hear myself, turn up my monitor". At about 2:00, she takes it out of her ear completely which is not a good sign. You can tell she's shaken and at that point she's just trying to get through it. Add to that how hard it is to sing in the cold, and I'm impressed she finished the song as well as she did.

BTW, Lady Gaga is awesome. I'm liking the new direction her career is taking.

TeenerTot - 2014-12-06

The kids came out through her throat?

infinite zest - 2014-12-05

Still the object of my erection. She could sound like Bukowski and I wouldn't care.

Jet Bin Fever - 2014-12-05

Hard as hell to listen to. This song is bad enough on its own.

boner - 2014-12-05

I listened for a minute or two and heard nothing wrong :(

That guy - 2014-12-05

Was she an asshole to the crew or something? Not much really forgives leaking this isolated track from a live performance. She's not a full-on career-long poser like Courtney Love where she deserves it for being a fraud.

She actually sang her performance.
Probable ear-piece monitor problem.
It's cold.
Maybe she has a cold.

Why expose her for a bad live performance??

I don't even like her, not even a little, and I'm completely in her corner, barring a longer story about how awful she is to the crew. It's just- I've had to sing on stage where I could hear myself 0% and it sucks. Totally sucks. Not everyone is the world's perfect technical singer where they don't even have to hear themselves.

That guy - 2014-12-05

The youtube comments purport that she was 3 hours late for something (rehearsal or show), and maybe bitchy?

il fiore bel - 2014-12-06

"Why expose her for a bad live performance??"

Because haters + stupid masses, most of whom are gullible enough to make up their minds before they've heard the performance. Give it a stir for the lulz.

When the story first broke, it reminded me of that thing 13 or 14 years ago where she went on some lame MTV show and passed out ice cream and faked a strip-tease, and all the news outlets and internet commenters were all OMG SHE'S CRAZY and SHE NEEDS MENTAL HELP SOMEONE INTERVENE FOR THE CRAZY BITCH. I remember watching the actual clip and wondering, "What is so outrageous about this?" Sure, she seemed a bit out of breath and exhausted, but there was nothing offensive about her actions. She probably didn't get her message across the way she'd hoped, but it happens. I figure it's the same thing here. She had an off day, which was then blown completely out of proportion.

badideasinaction - 2014-12-06

I was hearing guesses it could be someone intercepting the wireless mic. Another person suggested it was the wireless monitor but given that she clearly couldn't hear herself on the monitor that's less likely.

Looking around some wireless mics are encrypted, but I wouldn't put my highest trust in that. That or a disgruntled tech is in very deep shit.

Yeah, care zero for her as a singer, and she's probably past her prime for the scary high notes, but if your monitor is dead on a stage like that you're dead on stage.

That guy - 2014-12-06

YT comments gossip mill talking about how NBC might have leaked it accidentally on purpose for her being unprofessional on this gig. I think crew revenge is more likely than the network doing it, though.

Dr Robot - 2014-12-06

The Smoking Gun posts tour riders for artists. You should see hers. And from what I've heard she's pretty flagrantly a shit.

That guy - 2014-12-06

Oh I believe it. Since I didn't know shit about her, my first reaction was that whoever leaked it needed a pretty good excuse in order not to be a jerk...

Tangentially, there's a good episode of Freakonomics where they talk about Van Halen using a ridiculous tour rider to make sure the different venues were paying attention to everything. It was like a litmus test for their safety concerns, because of all the stunts and wires and pyrotechnics.

il fiore bel - 2014-12-06

How is she "pretty fragrantly a shit"?

dairyqueenlatifah - 2014-12-05

For the first minute or so I heard nothing wrong, and then...

Honestly, it's not THAT bad (most people still can't sing this song this well) but that signature high pitched angel scream thing that made her famous in the 90s is what's fucking her over here. She probably can't do it anymore, which is why she shifted away from vocally demanding music so sharply in favor of the hip hop side of things.

If you want to hear some truly horrifying isolated mic feeds, look up that of Britney Spears.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2014-12-05

I'm not a fan of Mariah Carey and i hate that style of singing, but there's nothing scandalous here.

gmol - 2014-12-06

I don't really know her or her music but I would smugly enjoy the sight watching an alleged diva fail spectacularly on stage.

Nothing happened here, she obviously has a voice that is better trained than the best singer you know. The reports feel like a deliberate smear job on a performance that was obviously hampered with technical issues.

EvilHomer - 2014-12-06

Yeah, she doesn't sound too bad. She carries herself professionally, and props to her for not lip-synching, even on an "off" night.

The thing that I hate about this is all the dancing kids. They look so stupid, twitching around behind Ms Carey without any music to back them up. I also hate the fact that it's Christmas, because fuck Christmas, and the nerve of whomever thought that having a song and dance routine to celebrate the lighting of some dumb Rockerfeller Christmas Tree would be something that'd entertain me, either sincerely (because I'd like to hear Mariah Carey sing?) or ironically (because I'd love to see her fail?). Well, I don't care either which way, Mr Rockerfeller Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony Entertainment Director Guy, I really don't. If I wanted to see Mariah Carey and/or people failing at things they enjoy doing, I'd just fire up the Internet like I always do. Rome is burning, and you can keep your twitching children and your big stupid tree and your slightly overweight songstress against whom I bear no ill-will.


infinite zest - 2014-12-06

That's pretty much what this song is about.

spikestoyiu - 2014-12-06

I dunno. She still sounds a hell of a lot better than a lot of current pop stars.

Enjoy - 2014-12-06


Enjoy - 2014-12-06

That's the Gold Standard

The Mothership - 2014-12-06

worse than this?


gravelstudios - 2014-12-06

Wow. She's like female Shoobie Taylor.

Waugh - 2014-12-07

RRRRuuuuuunnnin wiht the Devillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllluh

TheOtherCapnS - 2014-12-06

That bit surrounding 3:20 or so is pretty bad. The rest isn't bad.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2014-12-07

I laughed. Holy chirping divas, Batman!

TeenerTot - 2014-12-08

I see it as a vindication of my belief that most modern music is crap. It's so loaded with superfluous runs and unnecessary trills and shit that it only sounds good if you have two weeks in a studio to perfect it. Basically, I think this song will always sound terrible live. Not that it's any good digitally, either.

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