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Comment count is 4
Nominal - 2014-12-20

In the museum I am posing and cumming.

gravelstudios - 2014-12-21

I've heard people say that it's virtually impossible to make your body look like that unless you're taking steroids. Is there anybody here who could confirm or refute that statement? Just curious.

zurf - 2014-12-21

yeah in his biography he admitted to using steroids in those early days, but he qualified it by saying that back then they no one really abused them, so no one fully understood the risks, and they also used much smaller quantities.

The Mothership - 2014-12-21

If you eat a lot of high protein food, lift a lot of weights, and then starve yourself of fat for 2 months while doing both of those things, then you can look as muscular as these guys. You might not be as big, but you can get that super-low body-fat muscular look naturally. It is extremely difficult, trust me. I used to look like that and I never juiced, and ultimately I decided that beer and ice cream were more important to me than having 5% bodyfat. Stars are for Candice Bergen.

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