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Comment count is 13
Hooker - 2015-01-01

I'm always skeptical of how many people commit 90 minutes when full movies are submitted here, but trust me. I watch bad movies every week and have for years, and this is one of the absolute best. It is a bullet train through every imaginable 80s action cliche ever. At one point, the hero is dressed like Duke Nukem.

Scrimmjob - 2015-01-01

This is the kind of movie you watch while you eat your dinner out of a can!

betamaxed - 2015-01-01

I'm watching this right now and this is everything movies should be. It has Shannon Tweed and Al Leong! What more could you ask for?

There seriously needs to be an Al Leong tag.

betamaxed - 2015-01-01

@21:36 you get a great shot of an all white band wearing mariachi costumes playing shit-kicker music in front of the Stars and Bars. That racist tag is right on the nose.


betamaxed - 2015-01-01

This is a very special movie.


Hooker - 2015-01-01

Wait until you get to 52:00

BHWW - 2015-01-02

And Ronnie Cox and Bernie Casey in it to make it a true 80s action film.

BHWW - 2015-01-02

Also Soon-Teck Oh as the villain, a sure sign you're watching an 80s action film or episode of a TV series.

Jet Bin Fever - 2015-01-02

I have this on VHS. John Kreese is great in it.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-01-02

Oh wait, I get it now! "Steel Justice" is a reference to the guy's name!

Left it on in the background while editing video. The guiltiest guilty pleasure I've ever seen in here.

BHWW - 2015-01-02

I remember watching this on VHS ages ago, it has the look and feel of many Eighties action films, theatrical releases with at times low-rent looking bits, like how the turncoat military officer's special weapon is just an RPG launcher that for some reason requires him to use a face shield and giant fireproof gloves to shoot off, and Martin Kove's special weapon is a dinky looking "armored car" with a fake looking machine gun mount.

Caminante Nocturno - 2015-01-04

Dick Jones is in this movie! DICK JONES!!

hammsangwich - 2015-01-04

Martin Kove was in another godawful action flick with Hulk Hogan, Carl Weathers AND Shannon Tweed called "Shadow Warriors." I guess the original title was "Assault on Devil's Island". Anyway, it is very low budget and horrible, but definitely worth a watch.

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