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Comment count is 7
eatenmyeyes - 2007-03-12

Featuring douchebag James Exon...

BAC - 2007-03-13


Caminante - 2007-03-13

It takes a certain lack of humanity and soul to get into politics.

voodoo_pork - 2007-03-13

Frank Zappa: Another Dead Hero

dr_rock - 2007-03-13

in school I wrote a paper on this only having read the transcripts. this is so much more amazing.

Syd Midnight - 2010-05-14

What surprised me the most reading Zappa's autobio is how conservative he was. He looked like a big hippy but was more like a South Park libertarian. He'd have made a good politician.

As a teenager during these years, I can assure you this cost Al Gore more than a few votes in 2000. If Al had put a muzzle on Tipper he have been the 43rd President.

The Mothership - 2011-10-10

I love Frank Zappa and everything he ever said or stood for. There are not enough stars.

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