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Comment count is 13
EvilHomer - 2015-01-04

So ChrisChan just attacked some manajerks at Walmart yesterday night. He's been out of prison for less than a week and he's already back to spraying people because of this game.

The shittiest part is, his explanations sort of make sense. He claims he's packing pepper spray because of the trolls, which considering the fact that he's being actively gangstalked by thousands of people, many of them dangerously unbalanced sociopaths, is a completely reasonable course of action. And attacking jerkops... well, he's always had a distorted view of reality. Add to that years of vicious abuse by random strangers, his dad dying, his house burning down, and now his latest "girlfriend" outing herself as a troll right around the time he has to move his mom's new horde back into the old hellpit at 14 Branchland Court. I can picture someone like that honestly having a PTSD "rape" reaction when a Gamestop employee creeps up on his six. I can understand the loss of his childhood hero causing him to snap.


EvilHomer - 2015-01-04

I really hope he doesn't kill anyone. I don't think he will, because he never struck me as the killer type, and even when he's at his most violent, it's kind of a pathetic, cowardly violence. But I'm worried that without the positive influence of his creative work (in particular, his comics), he won't be able to cope.

Fuck you, Sonic.

Shoebox Joe - 2015-01-04

Holy hell. The only thing remotely funny about that is a horribly conceited person thinking they're invulnerable after their encounter with the law. That is if you ignore every single bit surrounding them.

I get the feeling that this is suicide Chris-chan. Not "this is logically correct as a straight, righteous and true person" Chris-chan.

infinite zest - 2015-01-04


I didn't know about that latest attack. I didn't search too hard but if you have a link that'd be cool. I mentioned this before, but judging by his FB post (at least the last time I checked), he seems to have a very supportive group of friends. I've exhausted this analogy too, but once the Washington Redskins officially change their name to something else, I expect a lot of counter-protests (prove me wrong people) and while it's always been a casually racist name, I could imagine that a lot of adults who grew up with their dads at Redskins games would feel the same was as Chris does about Sonic.

EvilHomer - 2015-01-04

It's on his forums. I've been checking them every few days lately. Thread should be at or near the top.


It has generated almost a thousand replies in less than 24 hours.

EvilHomer - 2015-01-05

One thing that I'm noticing, and finding quite interesting, is how militarized the mods are over at that forum. They've got a list of rules twenty pages thick and seem to love making up new reasons for editing/locking threads on the fly. They will lecture people endlessly on the "proper" way to torment Chris, and treat the forum like a highly bureaucratic Mod Police-State... despite being a community predicated almost entirely on trolling! Even some of the historical figures treat the forums like their own petty CWCvilles, pocket dictatorships where sycophants are expected to fawn over them, or else meet a swift and merciless end.

It's one of the most strangely fucked-up online communities I've been to, only topped by the Official Mythbusters Forum.

Dr Robot - 2015-01-05

For you EvilHomer

Scrimmjob - 2015-01-05

I think the majority of the people running that site are quite young, which might explain some of the bullshit. I find it kind of funny that most threads there are literally people saying the same thing over, and over, and over again. Yet they seem to have a real boner for 'quality posts' , there are a couple of quite funny people there, but for the most part if you read the first few pages of any thread, you can make an educated guess what the next 100+ pages will say.

infinite zest - 2015-01-05

I think the strangest forum I was on was the Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn one. This was probably like 2002 or something, but my ex would come into my store practically in tears because of something somebody said to her on that show. And I never even saw an episode of that show (I think it was Politically Incorrect but with everyone's favorite Weekend Update guy instead of Bill Maher) and the forums pissed me off too, but it must have been worse for her because there were all these Neo-Nazi factions and.. you name it there was a faction. I guess in 2002 there weren't too many forums for anything with a mainstream audience but it got completely out of control and mods were non-existent. Even though I hate her guts for breaking my heart, I still feel bad when I think about those things I read about her. :(

Sanest Man Alive - 2015-01-04

The prize is having watched another docfuture video in its entirety. Congratulations!

Lef - 2015-01-04

This conversaion is too depressing to start the year with.

stars for showing me the hammer and sickle character, and ☭☭☭☭☭ for the related Eric Andre interview on Conan


garcet71283 - 2015-01-04

Well I'll be damned, his arms are blue.

kingarthur - 2015-01-04

Five stars. I don't have the patience for or the inability to be creeped out by this video. I'm just gonna go read the cwcki on the latest accidents and explosions.

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