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Comment count is 9
Kid Fenris - 2015-01-13

Kudos to whoever left in the Sci-Fi bumper. Their Saturday Anime showings were a pretty good introduction to the field. Most of the time you'd get twaddle like Lily CAT and E.Y.E.S of Mars and Demon City Shinjuku, but every now and then you'd see something neat like this.

NewHeavenSockman - 2015-01-13

"twaddle like...Demon City Shinjuku"


Jet Bin Fever - 2015-01-13

I recorded this and Vampire Hunter D (both heavily abridged and edited) from TNT (or USA?) long long long ago.

Caminante Nocturno - 2015-01-13

I was really happy to see those old Scifi Channel bumpers, too. Unfortunately, this version doesn't have the montage near the end of the Robot Carnival during happier times. That's a really important part of the whole thing, too.

giygusattack - 2015-01-13

This was going to get a 5 already, but when I saw the SciFi bumper, I wished I could give it more.

Caminante Nocturno - 2015-01-13

Franken's Gears and Nightmare have always been my favorites.

EvilHomer - 2015-01-14

Presence and the Opening/ending for me. Presence, because of the implications it had for Waifuism, and the carnival bits, because of the AKIRA connection and also how adorable that final shot of the pony on its back was.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2015-01-13

I saw this and Twilight of the Cockroaches back to back in the wee hours of the morning when I was like 7 or 8 years old. I'd go on to just assume I'd dreamed them for years. We were at grandma's, who had cable, which was a magical thing to us because we never had anything more than rabbit ears until we were teenagers. So naturally, whenever we went to her house, we stayed up and watched as much as we could, and since these were the only "cartoons" on basic cable in the early 90s at that time of night, that's what we watched. Well, every now and then MTV Oddities/Liquid Television/etc. would be on and we'd watch that too.

I really need to sit down and watch this whole thing.

EvilHomer - 2015-01-14

Same here. You did not dream it. Robot Carnival, Twilight of the Cockroaches, and Vampire Hunter D were all shown on some cable channel or another back in the early 90s.

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