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Comment count is 8
Scrimmjob - 2015-01-17

Goddamn this is a terrible movie. Never could make it through the whole thing. It's been about 10 years so maybe I'll give it another shot.

betabox - 2015-01-18

Agreed. Student Bodies was quite a bit of fun, but this was just an unfunny trainwreck of awful.

spikestoyiu - 2015-01-17

I loved this movie as a kid. Because I was a kid and kids are dumb. There was a sequel. It's... predictable.

Adjuvant - 2015-01-17

Ditto on the loving this as a kid.

This ice is so ... old.

Binro the Heretic - 2015-01-17

Saw it when I was 12. Thought it was awful.

They made an equally awful sequel.

Old_Zircon - 2015-01-17

Another one I never got to see because thestore that had it for rent was the one we DIDN'T join.

We didn't have Horror High, either. Just Blood Diner, and I remember Blood Diner being kind of disappointing as these hings go.

Old_Zircon - 2015-01-17

Oh, and Re-Posessed, but the less said about that the better.

Jet Bin Fever - 2015-01-21

Blood Diner fucking ruled, man. You should give it another shot. It's got so many good parts.

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