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Desc:A 1992 exclusive title for the Commodore CDTV, which was kind of like a less successful Philips CDi.
Category:Video Games
Tags:Commodore, western, CDTV, The Town With No Name
Submitted:Wheelie McJesus
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Comment count is 22
boner - 2015-01-21

I just like that someone probably spent a year or two of their life on this.

Jet Bin Fever - 2015-01-21

Top notch voice acting!!!

infinite zest - 2015-01-21

"Carumba! I am really hurt! Oh I'm gonna fall over now so byeeeee..."

Scrimmjob - 2015-01-21

What is this Commodore CDTV? I thought this was just a particularly bad Amiga game?

Cube - 2015-01-22

Yeah it pretty much requires a CDTV to work correctly. As heard here, the emulator makes all speech tracks cut off at the end.

It's a bitch to get to work with an A1200, too. I tried, but I didn't have a cable to connect a cd-rom drive directly to the 2.5" IDE connector on the motherboard, and the CDTV emulation software (can't remember what it was) didn't work with an IDEFix board.

Now I do have the cable, so maybe I should give it another try...

Scrimmjob - 2015-01-22

The only Amiga I ever played with was a 500, I knew at some point they got CD drives, but never realized the cdtv was something that existed. The thing looks like a laser disc player with a floppy drive. I imagine shit like this is a big part of why Commodore folded in 94.

Cube - 2015-01-22

It was the first of the CD-based "entertainment centers". They finally got it sort of right with PS2, but hey, someone had to start the wave. Or the ripple, in CDTV's case.

eatenmyeyes - 2015-01-21

I'm trying to parse, "a less successful Philips CDi".

infinite zest - 2015-01-22

I remember CD-i having some success, mainly because it was the only video game system that they sold at The Sharper Image, which gave it this air of gaming sophistication above the usual SNES and Genesis. And if you were planning on shopping at Sharper Image in the first place, the high price point wouldn't bother you. If I recall they just demoed Space Ace and Dragons Lair, which you have to admit had great animation, and they sold, or at least one of my friend's dads bought one..

Udderdude - 2015-01-27

"Less successful Philips CDi" shouldn't even be a physical possibility.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2015-01-21

Judging by the average cost of video games during the time period this was released in, someone very likely paid to for this.

infinite zest - 2015-01-21

According to wikipedia, the initial price in the US for the system was 9.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2015-01-22

Well, from now on whenever I see someone complaining that games are worse and more expensive than ever, I'm going to link them to this video and the CDTV page on Wikipedia.

infinite zest - 2015-01-21

27:02. Wasn't this on here before?

Jet Bin Fever - 2015-01-21

They should've called this The Town With No Gameplay! heyo

StanleyPain - 2015-01-21

This is fucking embarrassing, even by 1991 standards of PC games.

blue vein steel - 2015-01-22

ugh, the nearly MS-Paint level animation. I keep expecting one of the cowboys to get on Stonefish's bad side, or for faces to start melting off.

blue vein steel - 2015-01-22

Toadfish, i mean, i apologize for not having completely memorized bart the general

infinite zest - 2015-01-22

you're breeeaking my heaaaaaaaaaaaaart

Innocent Bystander - 2015-01-22

Bravo! Best example of anti-entertainment I've seen in a while.

Raggamuffin - 2015-01-22

"Get me a beer, barkeep!"

*Bartender leers at you*
*stare at the bartender intently and remain completely motionless as your beer slides past and falls to the floor*

"Get me a beer, barkeep!"

infinite zest - 2015-02-06

Back when people said "On-Line," not "Online.." does anyone say "online" anymore? Like mom get off the phone because I'm online? And what's the deal with airplane food and taxi drivers? Give me a break!

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