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Comment count is 17
Callamon - 2015-02-01

It turns out he was right.

urbanelf - 2015-02-01

5 for "they didn't tell me the dog was defective."

The Mothership - 2015-02-01

It takes talent and practice to fuck up unrolling a premade pie crust that way.

That guy - 2015-02-01

the whole bit with the onions -> breakdown

fluffy - 2015-02-02

These newer ones are a lot funnier, but I'm not a fan of the suicide jokes in the music credits, so losing a star and opening myself up to Internet abuse as a result.

That guy - 2015-02-02


Retardo Montebaun - 2015-02-02

ppppthhhhh booooo!

infinite zest - 2015-02-02

I'm with Fluffy on this one. I always want to send these to my mom or friends on the assumption that it's real, but the songs kinda give away the joke. Even though I like Henry's Kitchen more than Tim's Kitchen, that's one thing that I liked about it: send it to someone who doesn't know who Tim Heidecker is, and the assumption up until the 3rd or 4th episode is that some really shitty cook somehow got a cooking show.

That guy - 2015-02-03

no way bro
Henry's has more jokes, they're subtler and they're better.

fluffy - 2015-02-03

Oh, it's not that it makes it obvious, it's that I lost a partner to suicide a few years ago so I have a hard time finding those jokes funny.

Callamon - 2015-02-03

Maybe you should kill yourself.

That guy - 2015-02-03

Probably just about everyone has lost someone to suicide.
Does this mean the joke doesn't work?

fluffy - 2015-02-04

@That guy: probably.

That guy - 2015-02-05

Ok dude, I'm willing to bet I've lost more people than you, and I ain't subtracting stars for something funny and well done.

fluffy - 2015-02-06

this isn't the fucking olympics

fluffy - 2015-02-06

also I'm glad you're so well-adjusted that people around you can drop like flies and it doesn't affect you at all when someone turns a traumatic experience into a joke.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2020-02-24

I know that "pie" looks like shit... But I reckon it would still be pretty good.

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