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gravelstudios - 2015-02-15

When I was high school, my 3 brothers and I had a band. Our name was Venus Bloodline (It's a long story). My older brother Joe played guitar. He had a pink flying V. I'm not making this up.

Old_Zircon - 2015-02-16

What I wouldn't give for the video of my high school band's appearance on a public access Halloween special in 1993 or '94. We're playing instrumental versions of Minor Threat songs on drums, bass, banjo and accordion. I only saw it once, the drummer's father ended up with the only copy of the tape and I haven't seen him in 20 years.

fluffy - 2015-02-15

Stars are for finally seeing what Rocksmith's UI looks like. That's not a bad way of turning a real guitar into a rhythm controller.

theSnake - 2015-02-15

The first one came out in 2011 I guess. I have this one (2014) and its awesome. Theres a custom content community that gets shut down now and then where you can get tons of user created songs.

Old_Zircon - 2015-02-16

If this actually works it would probably be a lot more useful, but pitch to midi conversion from a polyphonic source never seems to work well, at any price point, so I'd say save up and do the standard hex pickup/converter setup (probably a Roland GK-whatever). It'll cost 6 or 7 times as much but it'll actually work.

Or try this, maybe it does an OK job:

fluffy - 2015-02-18

I assume that Rocksmith is taking a lot of shortcuts for the note detection, because it's only got to handle a guitar and it's also got to differentiate between the same note on different strings and so on. But it's a learn-to-play-guitar app, not a make-new-music app. I wouldn't expect it to compete with a proper guitar->MIDI controller (nor is that something I'd want anyway).

dairyqueenlatifah - 2015-02-15

I forgot all about Rocksmith until now. I thought the concept was awesome when I first heard of it but thought "no way will that work"

Color me impressed.

Jet Bin Fever - 2015-02-15

My friend's band is in this game, and they're really good.

Accidie - 2015-02-15

This is a great channel.

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