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Comment count is 8
ashtar. - 2015-02-16

Glycemic index is super important, so you need to eat only agave syrup or some shit. Wellness.

yogarfield - 2015-02-17


That guy - 2015-02-16

Could not tell this would be funny from the title and load screen.

Binro the Heretic - 2015-02-16

Loses a star because they hover dangerously close to Tim & Eric territory.

hammsangwich - 2015-02-16

Which is great

gmol - 2015-02-16

You mean because they are a same sex comedy duo?
I understand they've had those for awhile now...

I know someone that is essentially food intolerant...this is a hilarious take on the situation.

infinite zest - 2015-02-17

It does share some similarities with Tim's Kitchen, like you see the joke coming from a mile away when Eric reluctantly eats Tim's slop, but other than that it's more comparable to the girls in Broad City, or Henry's Kitchen if you want to stick with "cooking" shows. I do disagree on Kombucha though (which does have about a 0.5% alcohol by volume by the way) and Quinoa but it wouldn't be funny any other way. As a vegan, I love nothing more than for my carnivorous friends to give me as much shit as they can for it.

TheGarbageFairy - 2015-02-17

Kombucha makes me want to vomit. I just can't get over the little fungus floaties in there.

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