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Comment count is 17
Xenocide - 2015-02-16

The best part is how she keeps smiling in response to the incredibly fake laugh track. The only positive feedback this woman gets comes from someone playing an MP3 file, and she's willing to take that.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-02-16

As always, hilarious when muted.

infinite zest - 2015-02-17

That live studio audience would disagree with you, John.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-02-17

I don't get it.

All I'm saying is that it's funny with the sound down. It's a right wing website's attempt to mask propaganda as comedy, and once you eliminate the shitty jokes, it's easy to laugh at.

gmol - 2015-02-16

She's slowly losing the ability to muster the fake enthusiasm that makes her the showbiz professional she is.

You can see the toll this series has taken on her face and in her voice...her sign off sounds like one thing but actually says "PLEASE PRESS THE STOP BUTTON NOW SO I CAN BACKSTROKE IN A SWIMMING POOL OF WINE AND INNER TUBE SHAPED SEDATIVES".

Old_Zircon - 2015-02-17

She's kind of starting to look like a tired, sad, animatronic Cassandra Peterson these days.

infinite zest - 2015-02-17

Speaking of Elvira, a friend posted a link to a whole bunch of old Elvira nude pictures today on facebook. I'm not gonna paste it on here and maybe everybody already knows about it, but it was really weird to see Elvira actually naked. That's supposed to stay in my brain.

The Mothership - 2015-02-16

Is this supposed to be funny? Or is this performance art?

StanleyPain - 2015-02-16

What the fuck, it looks like she's aged 15 years since the last time I watched one of these, which was maybe 5 months ago.

Xenocide - 2015-02-17

Self-loathing is a hell of a drug.

Jet Bin Fever - 2015-02-16

What's wrong with her face?

yogarfield - 2015-02-17

I'm giving it a 5 for the preload.

It's like she's uploading her own personal Picture of Dorian Gray.

Maggot Brain - 2015-02-17

colored contact lenses?

bonus points for y-field, there is a gay Republican sex joke in there but I'm to sleepy to work out what it is right now.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2015-02-17

The attempted smug smile is having a a hard time competing with the cognitive dissonance.

Redford - 2015-02-17

Upon review of the older videos you can see a trend where she appears to be slowly decaying, perhaps due to a divine punishment for being a tremendous fuckwit.

Raggamuffin - 2015-02-17

They say that by the time you are 50 you have the face you deserve.

Bort - 2015-02-17

Note the 5 o'clock shadow in the preload image. That's a sailor in drag.

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