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Comment count is 36
RedHood - 2015-02-18

Thanchu...thanchu wery mach.

Jet Bin Fever - 2015-02-18

You still care for this garbage?

EvilHomer - 2015-02-18

Silly fan videos set to maudlin anime music and featuring ridiculous pieces of artwork like the one at 1:12? Yes, of course we care for this garbage. This is Portal of Evil, this is the garbage for which we exist.

Cena_mark - 2015-02-18

That's why I don't get the hate for pony videos. They provide much of that ol' POE goodness, while giving us pony fans something to talk about. Everypony wins.

infinite zest - 2015-02-18

I could bring her back, but I dont want to.

Jet Bin Fever - 2015-02-18

This video is almost literally beating a dead horse. There's nothing else to be added. Nothing that hasn't been said. After we saw the lifesize fuckable twilight sparkle with the plushie vagina, I think that was it... that was the final component and now we can put it to rest.

Cena_mark - 2015-02-18

It was a life size fuckable LYRA not Twilight, that became infamous on the web. How can you expect anypony to take you seriously when you don't even have your facts straight?

Gmork - 2015-02-18

Inflation of the value of things that are embarrassing about bronies. We've all seen this shit before.

Accidie - 2015-02-19

yet we keep coming back.

EvilHomer - 2015-02-19

Cena - there was a lifesized fuckable Twilight as well. Search for "Giant Adult Twilight Sparkle Plush" on Youtube. It's nowhere near as famous as the Lyra plushy, but JBF may have seen it here on poeTV.

Jet Bin Fever - 2015-02-19

Yeah, it was on here. And so sorry I confused my cartoon horses. How embarrassing!

EvilHomer - 2015-02-18

Apologies in advance to Cena.

Cena_mark - 2015-02-18

Its okay. It won't happen for a long. Apples live for a long time, unless you're Applejack's parents.
I just don't know how Rainbow Dash would be able to move on after losing her best friend.

EvilHomer - 2015-02-18

Scootaloo and Fluttershy would help her, but, as the video says, "Friends never say goodbye"

Meerkat - 2015-02-18

OK, what the fuck is a scootaloo? That sounds like tiny parasites you pick up off a toilet seat.

yogarfield - 2015-02-18

Earmites for your private parts. Side effects include wanting to fuck cartoon horses.

oddeye - 2015-02-18

Applejack is by far the best and gets no where near the love that she should get.

Cena_mark - 2015-02-18

I think the fandom has reversed that. It was just towards the end of season 2 that Applejack was underused and un-appreciated. Since then people have recognized AJ's awesomeness.

EvilHomer - 2015-02-18

Probably because she's a redneck, she's a Republican, and she has a job. I'm not excusing AJ hate, but she hits many of the most socially-acceptable forms of bias in our society, so it's sort of understandable why many fans hate her almost as much as they hate Twist. She embodies an archetype so thoroughly maligned by manestream society, that even though she is NOT a negative stereotype, it is hard for many fans, particularly those who have never met a rural working-class pony before, to look past their prejudices and realize her worth.

Also, she's not as cool as Rainbow, Fluttershy, or Pinkie; AJ's gotta work from the midcards, and that's always rough.

infinite zest - 2015-02-18

AJ always seemed like the socialist of the pony party.. so sad that she's no longer with us.

EvilHomer - 2015-02-19

Rarity is the socialist. She is wealthy, trendy, aware of her own inherent superiority, and keenly interested in maintaining a strict class hierarchy that keeps her on top, yet she values Generosity above all else, and truly believes that her position of power is a benevolent one. Rarity is the Vanguard of the Proletariat; distinct, above, better, yet caring, enlightened, altruistic. Her fame and fortune impose a solemn burden upon her to act in the interests of the less-than-fabulous, and lead them by example. Besides, as a Hollywood pony, it's hard to imagine Rarity being anything else! (EH note - she could also be a monarchist, Constitutionalist, or a LaRouchian, with Twilight as the socialist, but for the sake of argument we will grant this honor to Rarity)

Anyway, I mentioned the epic fan novel I am working on, Miss Dash Goes to Washington, yes? I have spent many an hour, toiling late into the night, establishing the nature if the Politiponies. In brief: Twilight is the Demarecrat, Applejack is the Republicolt, Rainbow is the Libertarian, Fluttershy is the Green, Rarity is, as mentioned, either a socialist or LaRouchian, and Pinkie is the Pot Party pony when in Pie form ("Horsenip Party", which winds up tying in to my Juggalo pony arc), and a National Socialist when in Pinkamena mode. Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara turn into militant Marxists during their freshman year of college, coming home for winter break wearing Ne Guevara t-shirts and calling for death to the alicorn elite, much to daddy's horror. Scootaloo becomes a Black Flag anarchist and anti-globalist hacktivist agitator, while Sweetie Belle converts to radical Islam, which leads to one of the most poignant scenes in the novel: where PFC Apple Bloom, now an idealistic young recruit in the Ponyville National Guard, is forced to shoot her friend during the Invasion of Saddle Arabia.

EvilHomer - 2015-02-19

As for AJ, you have to remember that she is a very traditional pony, valuing family, hard work, and personal responsibility above all else. She does not like taking handouts, but is also not above regional protectionism, as demonstrated in The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000. She's pro-military, skeptical if environmentalism, and a little xenophobic (STOP THE BATS). She's also one of the party's target demographics - rural and working class. Growing up to NOT be a Republicolt in deep red Orchard territory would be as difficult and unlikely as growing up to not be a progessive in a deep blue state! Back in the 1920s or the 1930s, she might well have been an Old Left, pro-Union, FDR-style Demarecrat; possibly even a TrotSky-ite, had she remained in Manehattan and become a Depression-era factory pony instead of a farm pony. However, she (or more likely, Granny Smith) would have bolted, along with the rest of her fellow Southern Demarecrats, once their party was overrun by pro-zebra Yankee carpetbaggers in the 1970s.

So that's why I say she's a Republicolt! But it's OK, because Pony society is far less divisive than Human society, and even though she's different from the rest of us, she can still be friends with all her liberal, neoliberal, anarchist, Islamist, and fascist pony friends.

oddeye - 2015-02-19

throw me an a link in an email to like [email protected] when your super magnum opus is completed Homer, there's a good chap.

EvilHomer - 2015-02-19

Honestly, I doubt it will ever be completed. I still need to finish my painting of Cayla Wood (fuck you, #HopperGaters!) and then I've got to finish the Pantera on Piano album I'm working on for my recently retired boss.

Curse the hour glass and our own wretched mortality. So much work yet to be done!

The New Meat - 2015-02-18

I thought this whole pony thing had blown over.

Cena_mark - 2015-02-18

Very ignorant statement there. You're completely oblivious to how active and loyal the fanbase is. 1. The show is still running. 2. Its pretty clear that after the show is canceled the fanbase will pony on.
Other long gone shows with smaller fandoms keep active. Its clear that this pony thing will continue on decades to come.

Jet Bin Fever - 2015-02-18

Wishful thinking.

BHWW - 2015-02-18

It's still here and is still going to be with us for awhile, though I think "decades to come" is a real stretch, we can just sit back and watch how mind-blowingly weird and creepy the entire subculture is in all of it's aspects. Even the people on the periphery of MLP fandom seem to become slowly warped by it like some super magical radioactive pony fallout.

The New Meat - 2015-02-21

"the fanbase will pony on"

That's gross.

EvilHomer - 2015-02-21

http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/39/5c/f5/395cf5b99da28db78f 1265060f75654a.jpg

dairyqueenlatifah - 2015-02-18

The YouTube comments read like an AoL chatroom 20 years ago.

That guy - 2015-02-19

oh good more mlp on poetv

chumbucket - 2015-02-19

goal toucher

Maggot Brain - 2015-02-19

Is this "head cannon?"

EvilHomer - 2015-02-19

Yes, she's not really dead in official canon.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2015-02-19

Her parents, however, are officially dead.

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