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Comment count is 12
Jet Bin Fever - 2015-03-01

My bets are on Archie to be the next POE Exhibit to end up in jail.

Void 71 - 2015-03-01

The only thing preventing that from happening is the fact that he'd have to sell some of his really fuck-off pieces to pay his legal fees.

Rafiki - 2015-03-01


Step 4) Read up on every scam going on in Bangkok. You will be hit with approximately all of them within a matter of hours.

Step 14) When you've given up on life and feel like dying, flag down a a tuk-tuk and go for a ride

ashtar. - 2015-03-01

1) kill all empathy and moral sensibility so that you don't feel guilty about exploiting the confluence of extreme poverty and your own unearned privilege in order to assuage your venal, adolescent insecurities.

spikestoyiu - 2015-03-02

Tuk-tuks are the biggest scam there is!

I know that Thais with tattoos are usually looked upon as low class, but I'm pretty covered and my experience has been that they're mostly curious and aren't very shy about invading your private space and grabbing you for a look. Same goes for my beard, though luckily they don't ever just grab it.

Also, fuck wearing long-sleeve shirts and long pants in that kind of weather unless I'm visiting a temple or some fancy shit like Vertigo at the Banyan Tree in Lumpinee, etc. I'm not trying to marry any pharmacists, so I don't give a shit.

betabox - 2015-03-01

I get my kicks above the waistline, sunshine!

Caminante Nocturno - 2015-03-01

I was going to talk about tough guys crumbling, but you basically beat me to it.

Jet Bin Fever - 2015-03-02

Bless you both.

wtf japan - 2015-03-02

Holy shit, the story about the Sikhs!

Black Napkins - 2015-03-02


morva - 2015-03-02

Yep, that's our Archie, showing everyone how to "live a life to your full potential".

Last time I saw him he said he would be doing a fan-funded trip to Bangas this year. I bet he loved it.
I haven't been in contact for a while, I just wish I still had the video I took of him on my first visit (my phone shat itself before I could transfer it to a PC...it obviously couldn't handle Archie).

Shine on, you nasty fucker. If nothing else, I respect his perseverance.

The Mothership - 2024-01-21

Helping the punters out.

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