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Comment count is 18
Bort - 2015-03-01

Impressive how they capture the tone and feel of the original.

Good sickbay scene; Doctor McCoy is Hiei from "Yuyu Hakusho". James Doohan's son is playing Scotty. And Sulu's got more beard than ever.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-03-01

I guess the Prime Directive doesn't apply to parallel universes? (Actually, as we know, it doesn't apply to James T. Kirk)

I've seen several Star Trek fan episodes. They're all pretty impressive in their meticulous attention to detail, but this one had me in complete suspense. There may be some small rough patches of writing, but if Shatner and Nimoy had made this in 1967, I think it would be considered a classic episode today.

Although I saw all the movies over the years, I watched very little of TOS, as they call it, between the seventies, when I watched it every evening on New York's Channel 11, and late 2014, when I discovered the entire series is available on Hulu Plus, and a lot better than I thought it was.

Binro the Heretic - 2015-03-01

Holy shit! Color me impressed.

I think, "Then take Chekov and put him in front!" is my favorite bit.

Enjoy - 2015-03-01

They are amazing. I love them as much as any ST series.

Shanghai Tippytap - 2015-03-01

that was incredibly good, and their kirk is spot on. they absolutely nailed the look as well; it's probably one of the few times when a shoestring budget actually makes it resemble the source material even more.

a new trek series along this vein would be a lot of fun, instead of a slick update spun off from the new movies where everything looks like a mattress and an ipod made a baby.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-03-01

In case you missed it, the guy who played Kirk is one of the writers. I think he's a lot more convincing as evil Kirk than as Kirk Prime.

For anyone who wants it, here's a link to "Mirror, Mirror the TOS episode that's the basis of this excellent fan effort:


It's also been parodied on Community and MST3K

BiggerJ - 2015-03-01

Isn't that episode basically the reason that 'existing chracter but with a beard' is a visual indicator of 'evil twin'?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-03-01

That's what I heard. It's why I mentioned "Community".

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-03-01

It seems that no matter what universe or timeline it is, things just never work out for poor Captain Pike.

The Mothership - 2015-03-01

Um, whoa, I wasn't expecting this sort of level.

Oktay - 2015-03-02

I've seen way too many fan episodes and I have to say these people are the best. This is my favorite episode of theirs so far. (They are working on new ones AFAIK.)

Oh and I also have to say that guy is playing Shatner rather than Kirk, but I'm not complaining.

Old_Zircon - 2015-03-02

This is pretty impressive so far, I just wish they'd done something more true to the original with the effects, instead of making them look like the horrible, CGI-ed up "remastered" versions on Netflix but that's easy enough to overlook.

fluffy - 2015-03-02

Model shots are fucking expensive.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-03-03

Not only that, but if they didn't get it just exactly right a model might look... like a model. The CGI here isn't going to fool anyone, you can tell the difference, but it's really close to the visual style of the original effects, and maybe it's closer than they could get by practical means without a whole lot of money and a whole lot of expertise.

I completely approve of the remastered versions, though I'd hope the originals remain available. The changes are purely cosmetic, and, as I've learned in just the past few months, the show stands up so well dramatically that it deserves the retread. Star Trek is more than nostalgia. A few little tweaks to the more dated effects, and it's like it was produced last year. There are kids who were born in this century who are going to love Star Trek, and this is aimed at them.

DrVital - 2015-03-02

I've been watching these all, but when I saw the opening to this I said to myself, "you do Mirror Universe credits, and I'm all in."

Needless to say, I helped fund their recent Kirkstarter.

boner - 2015-03-02

This is a lot better than the first episode they made.

Jet Bin Fever - 2015-03-02


duck&cover - 2015-03-15

Wouldn't it be ironic if Evil Kirk winds up marooned on the same planet as Khan.

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