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Comment count is 7
SolRo - 2015-03-03

that cant be good for your back...

Reefer Fez - 2015-03-03

In order for Mainoumi to meet the minimum height requirement at the time, right before measuring he whacked himself on the top of the head several times to add a few more centimeters of swelling height.

There's a current rikishi named Toyonoshima who's about the same height, but they've changed the rules so that if you're close to minimum, you can take a few extra physical tests to prove you can handle competing.

teethsalad - 2015-03-03

he also injected silicone into his scalp to meet the height requirement, which the sumo association has since banned

Lef - 2015-03-03

Brilliant, even his losses are fantastic.

badideasinaction - 2015-03-03

The low-res shouts you can hear for most of it make this sound like an awesome street fighter mod.

The Mothership - 2015-03-03

Sumo wrestling is genuinely exciting.

Coax_Current - 2015-03-03


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