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Comment count is 9
The Mothership - 2015-03-14

BOOOO! BOOO Sir! You did not eat that shit after smoking out of it. Show some dedication to your trade, like that 'Bonglord' kid from Australia who drinks the bongwater every time.

infinite zest - 2015-03-14

But like a true stoner he forgot to hit Stop at the end

1394 - 2015-03-15

Drink the juice, bonglord.

Gmork - 2015-03-15


Rodents of Unusual Size - 2015-03-14

I can't stand more than a few seconds of this. Here are your stars.

Kabbage - 2015-03-14

It never gets even slightly more bearable for a second. It's incredible. The whole thing just gets worse until it's over.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2015-03-15

I cant help viewing things in terms of class warfare these days. This guy looks like he comes from riches.

chumbucket - 2015-03-16

Stoner Innovation: Perpetually in pursuit of the next best bong idea.

Jet Bin Fever - 2015-03-17

This video made me stupider.

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