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Desc:If you rub the creamsicle over your face long enough, gay men turn into Silent Hill monsters.
Category:Educational, Fashion
Tags:gay, Lets Play, Cr1tiKal, like really gay, not that theres anything wrong with that
Submitted:Sexy Duck Cop
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Comment count is 9
infinite zest - 2015-03-23


misterbuns - 2015-03-23

Yes. The fake deep voice of guy with a microphone who is super sure he is clever.

infinite zest - 2015-03-23

I always wondered if it's a voice modification device, like the kind you see on Dateline when they're interviewing someone who doesn't want to be identified. I don't think I know anyone with a voice that low.

Sexy Duck Cop - 2015-03-23

That's actually his real voice. He's said as such in "out of character" videos where he was utterly sincere, like this one:


Jet Bin Fever - 2015-03-23

You can bite me Mr. Buns.

Sexy Duck Cop - 2015-03-23

Also, Cr1tikal is a super nice guy who gives everything he makes off Youtube to charity.

Bobonne - 2015-03-23

Yeah, fuck right off with the Cr1tikal hate, thank you very much.

Jet Bin Fever - 2015-03-23

Yeah he's a really good guy. He posts all the receipts for his donations and puts a lot of care into where the money goes.

infinite zest - 2015-03-24

That's awesome. I always just find him funny. Had no idea about the altruism. I remember when POE and SA were feuding, and then they were both against me and my little crew (wasn't my fault, was my boss') like 17 years ago. It's like we've all grown up.

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