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Comment count is 11
Lord_Crocodilicus - 2015-04-02

Eggtron I hope you are burned alive on a pile of rubber.

Bus_Aint_Comin - 2015-04-03

there's so much good stuff here:

"make... an egg... mcmuffin...?"

"open up the package... um..."

"see this? now... i have... two pieces...?"

electric range

referring to all appliance heat levels only by the number i.e. "8" or "5"

"some ham! see this?"

"the stuff that turns white, eventually... whatever that's called"

solid fucking gold

betabox - 2015-04-03

He's just so big and dumb and adorable.

But at least he's a terrible cook!

glasseye - 2015-04-03

At least he's cooking his own food, so there's that. But yeah, dude needs to learn a few things...

simon666 - 2015-04-03

At the end, that's the pan of a man whose mom still washes the dishes. Who forgets to put oil or butter in the pan first?

infinite zest - 2015-04-03

Cutting the bread towards the hand that's holding it.. good thing it's a butter knife.

infinite zest - 2015-04-03

In fairness, it's pretty easy to go through a lot of your life without learning simple kitchen skills. I spent my college years broke as fuck so it was pretty much ramen or beans and rice for years, and the only kitchen setting I ever worked at was as a dishwasher. Then I got married to a chick who loved to cook, and since she got off work a couple hours earlier than I did, she'd make dinner every night, and I'd buy the wine. I really didn't learn a lot of simple skills (like using a CUTTING BOARD FOR CUTTING WORKS BETTER THAN ON A PLATE, MAYBE THAT'S WHY THEY CALL IT A CUTTING BOARD?) and things like that until I got my new job where I cook for someone every day.

yogarfield - 2015-04-06

Masaokis could teach this guy a thing or two.

chumbucket - 2015-04-03

Cutting effort done to clearly shows how stacked biceps are.

His mom is filming.

chumbucket - 2015-04-03

Oh wait, no, he's filming himself. But since it's his mom's kitchen she probably should be overseeing this experiment.

simon666 - 2015-04-03

Oh god, his Karma Chameleon cover...

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