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Comment count is 18
fedex - 2015-04-02

death to vermin

Caminante Nocturno - 2015-04-02

5 stars for being closely related to guinea pigs.

infinite zest - 2015-04-02

Yeah I miss my pigz. Kavalier and Clay 2002-2010.

infinite zest - 2015-04-02

Wow that's the most amazing thing I've ever seen! Is it a hardware store? A clothing store? What IS this incredible thing that I'm looking at?

simon666 - 2015-04-02

A five and dime, my friend. A general store.

hammsangwich - 2015-04-02

Don't forget pet store. You haven't lived until until you've tried to grab a finch off the wooden bar in a Woolworth's. And since they are out of business, I guess you never will.

Hooker - 2015-04-03

Exactly the sort of store you'd expect to find rats in.

magnesium - 2015-04-02

Fun facts: these things can run as fast as a horse if they want to. And they were once classified as fish by the Catholic church.

Maggot Brain - 2015-04-02

Once again fuck you, dyslexia. Thought this video was "Cosplay Bara" I was expecting buff dudes!

Oktay - 2015-04-02

Not only but especially for the rous tag.

Old_Zircon - 2015-04-02

These things are great, I hope these two are in the small minority of domestic capybara that are actually well cared for. Most of them don't last too long.

kingarthur - 2015-04-02

And now I'm sad. Can you even domesticate them?

magnesium - 2015-04-02

They're herd animals so they're probably not too hard to domesticate. I'm guessing, though, that they don't handle North American climates well. And they probably prefer to be in bodies of water surrounded but a few dozen other capybara. Of course, in the wild they're a very popular food source, so they probably don't last that long there, either.

Old_Zircon - 2015-04-02

I just remember a lot of sad things being discussed last time a pet capybara showed up here. Also that the pet capybara lived about 18 months.

Old_Zircon - 2015-04-02

I'm not sure how long they live in general, come to think of it.

Wikipedia says 8-10 years. Also says that feral capybara are living in Florida so maybe these guys will do well. I remember the one we were following here who didn't do well was in Oregon or Washington.

Old_Zircon - 2015-04-02

Looking at their channel these two have been around a while already and seem to be very well taken care of, I feel better now.

Old_Zircon - 2015-04-02

This is great:

Old_Zircon - 2015-04-02

The downside, of course, is the anal scent glands.

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