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Comment count is 14
Old_Zircon - 2015-04-05

Man, even Gummo would think twice about getting in that water.

craptacular - 2015-04-05

lol 5 stars for old zirc.

infinite zest - 2015-04-05

Yay! Sorry I voted this down in the hopper. My thumb slipped on my phone :(

poorwill - 2015-04-05

I'm really glad you decided to clarify, because that made me unaccountably angry. I'm sorry I called you a useless shitnibbler.

infinite zest - 2015-04-05

Just because I nibble shit doesn't mean I'm useless!

yogarfield - 2015-04-06

"useless shitnibbler"?!

cutest insult ever

Old_Zircon - 2015-04-06

I had a roommate whose dog was a shitnibbler, it was anything but useless. His cat was a shitter and the dog would follow the cat around and eat the turds right as they were coming out if he could catch them, he was really doing his part to keep that place a little less disgusting than it was.

Shitnibblers have a vital role in society.

Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2015-04-05

Needs an "unlikely animal juxtapositions" tag.

Cube - 2015-04-05

5 for title/video synergy.

glasseye - 2015-04-05


BHWW - 2015-04-05

Let's just toss random team-ups of animals in the filthy bath and see what happens.

FABIO - 2015-04-05

Apocalypse Discworld

cognitivedissonance - 2015-04-05

The American Pekin duck (the white ones that look like Donald Duck) is incredibly well suited to being a pet. They can be trained to do their business in a specific spot, they imprint upon their owners as if they were parents, when frightened they return home and when they've gone wearisome, they make great dinner when stuffed between a turkey and a chicken and deep fried in peanut oil.

Dunno what capybara tastes like.

duck&cover - 2015-04-06

A living island to perch on.

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