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Comment count is 13
ashtar. - 2015-04-07

How many more tragedies like this have to happen before Canada will enact sensible chainsaw-control legislation?

Gmork - 2015-04-08

For you.

memedumpster - 2015-04-07

Oh god, why do I look at poe while eating!?

Cube - 2015-04-08

Are you always eating?

RedHood - 2015-04-07

Qc french. The most beautiful french of all...

TheOtherCapnS - 2015-04-07


Imagine how much stronger and more masculine he would have looked if he'd been threatening the lady and her kids with a firearm.

Gmork - 2015-04-08

You hold the aesthetics of insane people as high priorities, eh?

spikestoyiu - 2015-04-08

I don't know if I can think of a worse weapon to threaten someone with. They're heavy, cumbersome, they require you to keep your hand on the trigger, and they're likely to harm you just as much as they are whoever you're chasing.

Pillager - 2015-04-08

Poutine Face: The Quebec Chainsaw Menacing

Lurchi - 2015-04-08

this guy is hilarious

Lurchi - 2015-04-08

as is the family in the car

Gmork - 2015-04-08

She had been following him, eventually trapping him, and instead of driving off when he gets out WITH A FUCKING CHAINSAW she stops to argue with him while he proceeds to frighten the living shit out of her poor kids.

A ballet of terrible choices.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2015-04-08

Comedy gold.

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