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Comment count is 3
Rangoon - 2015-04-17

Apparently this was originally aired as a one-hour special, then trimmed down to the half-hour version seen here for future reruns. One clarification though, this wasn't produced by Jay Ward, but by Fred Calvert (who's other credits include a Muhammad Ali cartoon and the butchered version of The Thief and the Cobbler). Also, look out for names like Fred (Roger Ramjet) Crippen and Walt ("Walt Disney was a shit") Peregoy in the end credits.

cognitivedissonance - 2015-04-19

I'm talking about Chris Hayward. Ward never actually "created" anything, and that suited him fine. Dude was a manic-depressive real estate agent for whom cartoons were a second line.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2015-04-18

I'm surprised this didn't get better production values given the popularity of the source material.

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