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John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-04-22

Denny Crane.

Ranma X. - 2015-04-22

Denny Crane.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-04-22

This was when I started to really appreciate Shatner, who had previously been an occasional MST3K punchline. He had a reputation for overacting that he didn't deserve. The intense, somewhat mannered way he played Captain Kirk was a great choice; it made him the perfect foil for Spock.

And yet, here he is playing a truly over-the-top character, yet he manages to keep his overall performance delightfully low-key. To the uninitiated, Denny Crane is a superstar lawyer, a founding member of the firm and "chief rainmaker", who now seems to be suffering from the onset of Alzheimer's. His tendency to repeat his own name like a kind of catch phrase conveys both his superstar ego and his increasing desperation to hold onto what is slipping away. He is comic, tragic, often brilliant, and always vulnerable, though it only shows through rarely.

Denny Crane.

fluffy - 2015-04-24


yogarfield - 2015-04-23

Denny Crane.

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