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Comment count is 15
yogarfield - 2015-04-25

how really says tin does what penguin because

That guy - 2015-04-25

woow such penguin

Accidie - 2015-04-25

says axe penguins with really tin

ashtar. - 2015-04-25

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yogarfield - 2015-04-26

also what did the really matter because peanut butter what the fuck

yogarfield - 2015-04-26

how can the what be where

yogarfield - 2015-04-26

how did why do that

Chocolate Jesus - 2015-04-25

what a spectacle

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2015-04-26

I've assumed a duty here at poetv to negate chocolate jesus.
Whenever I see a video in the hopper thats been downvoted by cj I upvote it, regardless of how I feel about it.

Chocolate Jesus - 2015-04-27

you're getting into a steel-driving contest with a steam engine, asshole!

The Mothership - 2015-04-25

Mind if I axe you a quick question?

Mister Yuck - 2015-04-25

He must have been really drunk to miss the can so many times.

gravelstudios - 2015-04-26

I assumed he was carving out a hole for leverage, but that's really bad for an ax anyway, so yeah, either way...

Needtodestroy - 2015-04-26

Decent framing. Short and sweet. I will award no points for content as we do not get to then watch the foam expand. None got in his face. No injury. Obligatory point for Russian video.

Binro the Heretic - 2015-04-26

I saw a can of that stuff get run over by a fork truck.

It was glorious.

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