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Comment count is 9
infinite zest - 2015-04-30

Kids fucking kids since 19XX whatever rot in hell bitch

Quad9Damage - 2015-04-30

(Reflective pain in her eyes) "You just might..."

Nikon - 2015-04-30

Marge: I guess one person can make a difference. But most of the time, they probably shouldn't.

Scattersane - 2015-04-30

This is how you do a political commercial.

Jet Bin Fever - 2015-04-30

Haha, I'm so glad it went in that direction.

Maggot Brain - 2015-04-30

This is the darkest bean commercial I have ever seen, aside from the one where a talking bean is depressed about his relationships.

CIWB - 2015-04-30

I expected this to end a different way and it's wonderful that it didn't.

Has a major American company ever stuck it to a (sitting?) American president like this?

fluffy - 2015-05-19

Apparently after Thatcher saw this ad she demanded it be removed, so it only aired a handful of times.

casualcollapse - 2021-06-16

what a bitch

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