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Comment count is 14
divinitycycle - 2015-05-02

"Have you ever played... Heroin Hero??"

infinite zest - 2015-05-02

I was on a tinder date with this girl and she mentioned how much she hates grunge but lives in the northwest, STP and Pearl Jam being her two examples. Everybody hates STP.

Old_Zircon - 2015-05-02

Naming those bands is kind of cheating.

Hell, even Gruntruck were better than STP.

infinite zest - 2015-05-03

Yeah.. I grew up not liking Pearl Jam, STP, even Nirvana at the time. Grunge in the northwest was what I'd imagine ska was like in other parts of the country. For every Operation Ivy there's a million Reel Big Fishes. In both cases though, the fashion has not changed at all since the mid-90s. Fedoras and flannel.. whatevs Dead Moon's still my favorite and I hope they never change.

Void 71 - 2015-05-03

Bands like Gruntruck and Tad were around before Man in the Box and Nevermind went into rotation on MTV. STP was part of the diarrhea spray of second-rate grunge knockoffs that every major label squeezed out in the early to mid '90s.

Old_Zircon - 2015-05-04

Definitely earlier than STP but I thought Gruntruck was formed when Grunge became a thing as a kind of last-ditch attempt to go mainstream by ex Skinyard guys. I don't know. I have both their LPs but they're pretty samey.

I still think of the stuff that ended up being called Grunge as a mid to late 80s thing that spilled over into the early 90s after it had already passed its peak.

That guy - 2015-05-02

He's replacable by people who like him and do karaoke.

Chancho - 2015-05-02

They suck, always have sucked and always will suck

hammsangwich - 2015-05-02

This is the only STP album I own. I did a Christmas exchange with a buddy when I lived in Australia. I sent him Electric Lady Land and he sent me Purple. I still listen to it once in a while.

American Standard - 2015-05-03

I was wondering what happened to this guy.

TeenerTot - 2015-05-03

At what point does one, as a band member, become too embarrassed to continue? Or do they think he's doing an OK job?

Lurchi - 2015-05-03

remember his horrible Christmas project?

fluffy - 2015-05-03

The other day I was trying to remember what band did this song, and couldn't.

Jet Bin Fever - 2015-05-05

Holy shitttt, I think my tonedeaf brother sang this better on Rock Band.

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