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Comment count is 25
lotsmoreorcs - 2015-05-11

I was at the world premier of the original in Austin with the director, Tom Six, in person. He had a thick European accent and dressed like a coke dealer from Miami Vice in a all white suit and vest with a straw fedora. It's sad because that was such an amazing theatrical experience that the series has gone so downhill so steeply and quickly. I wonder if he will finally use my idea from the q&a about somehow fertilizing the completed centipede and having a fetus pass all the way through the segments to emerge at the end some kind of fetal screeching Cronenbergian beast, basically like a baby John Holmes Motherfucker

Prickly Pete - 2015-05-11

That is an AWESOME idea! My idea to break new ground is the voluntary human centipede. I wanted it to be a voluntary human centipede that stretches across the country, and somehow has a weird message of unity.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2015-05-11

A reboot of "Hands Across America?" You'll need a theme song for that.

infinite zest - 2015-05-11

I've only seen parts of 1. Not that it grossed me out, I just fast forwarded to the centipede stuff the acting and the plot were so dumb. But I dunno, this seems self-aware of that, sort of like New Nightmare or Scream.

CrazyBlueRocket - 2015-05-12

5 for this idea, but our infrastructure will need a lot of work

Oscar Wildcat - 2015-05-12

Which one? I'm down with Pete's notion of a surgical kumbaya. Get that fucker Paul McCartney to write the theme. A big Busby Berkeley inspired dance number with the beast writhing to the music and undulating in flower shaped patterns. Get Bob Geldorf to produce it. It could be huge!

CrazyBlueRocket - 2015-05-12

Both. All. A Nationwide highway of centipedes with Cronenberg babies born into the Pacific Ocean. McCartney on centipede highway billboards, giving the peace sign

misterbuns - 2015-05-11

Fucking wake me when it is a musical.

lotsmoreorcs - 2015-05-11

Five for the voice I read this in

Old_Zircon - 2015-05-11

Musicals are the worst, with the exception of Cannibal: The Musical, Liszt-o-mania and parts of the 80s Little Shop of Horrors movie.

cognitivedissonance - 2015-05-12

Lorenzo Music as Garfield?

misterbuns - 2015-05-12

sorry let me clarify.

the only thing that could have made this idea transgressive was it if t was a musical to begin with, before making ironically making horrific films into musicals was a trend.

there is nothing interesting or transgressive about these films or their self styled director.

they are an interesting study in using foreign markets to get films financed and distributed and that's about it.

lotsmoreorcs - 2015-05-12


misterbuns - 2015-05-11

tom six is a hack

Gmork - 2015-05-11

Because this is the kind of website that a movie about this sort of thing belongs on.

StanleyPain - 2015-05-11

I like how you can just kind of dodge any criticism that your movies are pretty lame by just doing this "oh, I'm so self aware now" thing and "ironically" satirizing your own work by just continuing it only winking at the audience that you know it's stupid.

Works for Michael Bay, I guess.

EvilHomer - 2015-05-12

Does Michael Bay do that? I haven't seen any new Michael Bay films lately, but the ones I have seen weren't self-aware at all.

lotsmoreorcs - 2015-05-12

Thank you homer Zoe would have appreciated that. Any news on the painting?

Gmork - 2015-05-12

Thats cute, whoever hijacked lotsmoreorcs' account is trying to pretend it's friends with other users here.

EvilHomer - 2015-05-12

Not yet, but I'll post it when it gets done. I've been dabbing at it, then scrapping it, dabbing at it some more, then scrapping it... every idea I get just doesn't seem appropriate in the end.

Do you happen to know how her dad is getting along? My biggest problem right now is that I want to do something that references her life as a crustie - like a picture of Zoe sitting by some train tracks - but I also want to send the finished piece to her dad, and I'm not sure if he'd appreciate being reminded of her chosen lifestyle.

You knew her well, much better than I did - what do you think she'd like?

lotsmoreorcs - 2015-05-16

Zoe had a lot of friends here, Homer or "Homie" as she referred to
To him here and IRL was her prominent defender. You're cute Gmork, all flustered and chubby

mon666ster - 2015-05-11

I have no idea what movies you guys are watching, but I'm looking forward to this one. I'm wary of the whole Joe Arpaio nonsense (I'm hoping the movie isn't a right wing diatribe), but part 2 was sooooo good, there's no way I don't see this one as soon as I can.

Nominal - 2015-05-11

The 2nd movie was one of the worst things I've ever watched.

Cube - 2015-05-12

There's a Human Centipede 2?

Potter - 2015-05-12

I wonder where the Tom 1-5 clones are in this world?

So little interest in gore flicks

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