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Comment count is 8
baleen - 2015-05-24


simon666 - 2015-05-24

In the small town in which I grew up, population of about 2000 people, we had a resident woman who also had a beard. Everyone was polite to her even though some clearly disagreed with her choice to wear a denim jacket with denim pants. There was never such an outburst like in this video. Cities can't help but corrupt. A damn shame.

lotsmoreorcs - 2015-05-24

-1 cause that's clearly a premy Orc

M-DEEM - 2015-05-24

+1 because that's the most pissed off tic-tac I've ever seen

Shoebox Joe - 2015-05-24

She looks like she failed the audition for the role of pinhead.

Hooker - 2015-05-24

Is that a human-sized midget?

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2015-05-24

It's one of the midget monsters created by dude from Phantasm, that somehow got loosed onto the subway system.

wtf japan - 2015-05-25

I would kill for a transcript.

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