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Comment count is 6
Gmork - 2015-06-04

I love Rip Taylor. Needs Rip Taylor tag.

infinite zest - 2015-06-04

Ah now I get it! I actually watched LWT on TV this week but I had to pee and missed that part. It's beginning to adopt the same rules as going to a movie: Pee after the second action sequence.. in LWT's case, take a quick one as soon as it says "and now this.." those things are rarely any good.

infinite zest - 2015-06-04

It's in the related videos (for me anyway) but Last Week Tonight did a whole story about Hitler in Thailand this week; this wasn't on there but there's Hitler KFC, a Superhero mural at a college (featuring Hitler next to Batman and Superman) among other things like Hitler shilling Teletubbies.

After I graduated high school I was tooling around Australia and found a Mao Zedong t-shirt in Melbourne, with the Chairman in the style of the popular Che t-shirt. I wore it around my freshman year of college, and people thought it was funny. But with a high school diploma and one year of college under my belt, I still had no idea who he really was or why some might be offended by it, because we didn't spend any time with Chinese History, just like the Thais probably don't spend much time with the Western half of WW2, if any.

TeenerTot - 2015-06-04

I stuck it in the hopper. The John Oliver clip, not the Mao shirt.

infinite zest - 2015-06-04

I wonder if I still have that Mao shirt. I was thin as a rail (sickly skinny, like 120 pounds and 6'1) when I was wearing it (it was a girls medium) and now I'm more like 160, but I'd look like Phil Collins from Trailer Park Boys in it I'll bet.

Old_Zircon - 2015-06-04

That bit is what reminded me about this whole situation.

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