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Lef - 2015-06-11

This is madness.

Boomer The Dog - 2015-06-12

It is a bit like having a miniature open reel, they made portables of those too with 3 inch and smaller reels. My first tape deck was an open reel AIWA TP-31, not that I walked around playing it or anything, but it was portable.

I'd have fun with that O'Casse system, at least for a little while, but it wouldn't be something to be dedicated to, once the novelty wore off. I used to reload my own cassettes, make special lengths for radio bits, cutting up hi-bias tapes and then using them in cheap housings.

There was one practical use for this kind of thing that I know of. Back when cassettes were the best dictation format, I janitored for an office building and a company and they had special cassettes that were made to come apart.

They'd have a recording of something, take out just the reels and connect them together with just a plastic piece that went between the spindles and mail them to other offices. That was a lot smaller and lighter, and they could mail it in a regular envelope, instead of sending the whole cassette, so it probably saved lots of money on postage.

They sent a lot of them too, and I guess it had to be the actual voice record, not typed and sent as a FAX or document.


Old_Zircon - 2015-06-12

It's like a realy shoddy NAgra SN:


Old_Zircon - 2015-06-12

That's pretty interesting about the dictation tapes, I've never heard of that (I'd never heard of these O'Casse things before, either).

Boomer The Dog - 2015-06-12

That Nagra is a beautiful little deck, such attention to quality, like something from Mission: Impossible, and nothing like my Aiwa, which was the cheapest, without even a regulator on the tape speed.

That was a cool system the office had, they might have been recorded insurance claims or something like that, I forget what the company was now, but they had someone with a desk set up to process those, just sending the tape, reels and a little clip.

That would have been before they could send someone's audio over the net I guess, too much bandwidth for those days. I don't even know if the office was on line at the time or not.


Caminante Nocturno - 2015-06-12

This looks like something out of a Dalton-era Bond movie.

Old_Zircon - 2015-06-12

See my link to the Nagra SN above (that was the actual surveillance recorder being used in movies like that, and one of the coolest pieces of recording equipment ever made).

Caminante Nocturno - 2015-06-12

You should put a NSFW warning on that link, because reading it scared The Living Daylights out of me!

Billy the Poet - 2015-06-12

Is this Ashens, or is it Memorex?

gravelstudios - 2015-06-13

Could use a WTF Japan tag, IMO.
I remember the days of trying to repair cassettes that had been eaten by the tape player. it's like doing that for fun, which I don't quite understand. (although I agree it looks cool, and I am the kind of person who likes fiddling with things, but I think I'd get tired of it pretty quickly, having to go through all that just to change tapes).

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