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Comment count is 24
KnowFuture - 2007-03-27

Please tell me he didn't REALLY put plates of food out for the goddamn things...PLEASE....

bongoprophet - 2007-03-27


Doctor Arcane - 2007-03-27

That's what, ,000 worth of dolls?

Diogenes - 2007-03-27

Eight. A bare minimum of 52 grand. Assuming there isn't a secondhand real doll market.

athodyd - 2007-03-27

"Do you... use all eight?" "Not at one time."

Smellvin - 2007-03-27

Umm... as gross as this may sound there IS a second-hand realdoll market... just think about that...

phalsebob - 2007-03-27

... a week after mikes birthday party, the obvious happened.

Hakujinjoe - 2007-03-27

what is the name of the documentary this is from? I want to see the whole thing!

xenocide - 2007-03-27

Somehow they look even creepier with the hats and nosiemakers. Like putting a clown nose on a corpse

kingarthur - 2007-03-27

So...this is what something worse than furries and amputee fetishists looks like. Scarred for life.

boner - 2007-03-27

She took a week... most women would run screaming from the room immediately

FeeFiFoFoTheFifeFifeBrown - 2007-03-27

When this guy finally hangs himself, he'll surround himself with a ring of those dolls, gazing up...

Repomancer - 2007-03-27

Good thinking there, Jody.

rhythm rider - 2007-03-27

mother of god

jrr - 2007-03-27

And she IMMEDIATELY wants booze. Can't blame her.

halon - 2007-03-27

Jody didn't offer to get beers for anyone else in the room, I couldn't help but notice.

chalk - 2007-03-27

I love how she's obviously trying NOT to run as soon as she hears he has 8. And waits a whole week.

Hooker - 2007-03-27

At this point in her relationship, all she asks is that he prefers sex with a real woman.

Corman's Inferno - 2007-03-28

Oh my god, OH MY GOD

BAC - 2007-03-29


bopeton - 2007-03-30

Last five seconds of voiceover = win

citrusmirakel - 2007-04-02

Now she's a woman with some low standards.

Rafiki - 2007-04-02

"I'm perfectly fine with it." Check -1:00 and tell me that face matches that statement. I DARE YOU

Caminante - 2007-04-15

We didn't need to hear the last part to know it happened.

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