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Comment count is 8
Pillager - 2015-07-02

As a 'murican it brings a manly tear to my eye, to see shit with chlorophyll in it being put to good use instead being y'know actually... well... ingested.

Old_Zircon - 2015-07-02

Description is inaccurate, wasting food has been America's national past time since they outlawed baseball back in the 1980s.

M-DEEM - 2015-07-02

Yeah I'm gonna eat that after little junior c.diff fingers has been fuckin around with it for a half hour

Sudan no1 - 2015-07-02

"Makes centerpieces"
Well, I'm all for putting those bastards at Edible Arrangements out of work.

hammsangwich - 2015-07-02

My mom just fed us canned veggies which as it turns out, have very little nutrients.

RedHood - 2015-07-03

And taste fucking disgusting, I am sorry about your childhood :"(

memedumpster - 2015-07-02

The last city stood. The remaining home of what was left of New Terra. The society had been all but destroyed by the Vegie Bot rebellion of '33. When the Vegie Bots had turned on their masters by the billions, the ensuing chaos that led to a radiation spill, far more deadly than any nuclear warfare. The world had been brought to its knees by the
H O L O C A U S T.

ashtar. - 2015-07-02

I'm so glad you're back, meme.

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