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Comment count is 6
Boomer The Dog - 2015-07-07

This is the kind of video where you'd best be a good lip reader to get the most out of it. The majority of the audio power is under 2 khz, with a peak between 100 and 750 hz., not the greatest listening conditions for speech to be understood. If it's someone's attempt at cleanup, it went too far, in my opinion.

Xenocide - 2015-07-07

Mumble mumble mumble THEY TOUCH EACH OTHER'S BONERS mumble mumble I LIKE IKE.

chumbucket - 2015-07-07

NPR told me about this, I'm not going to struggle trying to listen to the whole thing.

Boomer The Dog - 2015-07-07

I did it! Well, I'm used to DX listening on shortwave to weak, mumbly, fading signals and trying to pull out station IDs.

chumbucket - 2015-07-07

Ah I forget Boomer that you have far more sensitive hearing anyway. Thanks for the summary, I might give it another listen...on 11....with headphones.

Boomer The Dog - 2015-07-07

Watched the whole thing, it seems to be pretty forward thinking from 1961, with doctors and other professionals, but no openly homosexual people. I liked the production, just an intro for each guest, then just let them speak their piece, with most of them reading an essay they'd written.

The participants seemed to be more halting in their delivery, not as used to being on video as people would be today. Very few people would have been on film or TV then, where today most people have been on video and are comfortable with it, I guess that's it.

I've seen lots of archived material being digitized and put out recently, but it seems to be done en masse, not with the most care when copying. I would have thought the sync could have been fixed, and why is the audio so below speech grade?


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