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Comment count is 12
Pillager - 2015-07-14

Every video this man graces is poeTv worthy. Bless him.

infinite zest - 2015-07-14

Yeah really. I wanted to see the YT comments and fell asleep with it playing; YT now does that autoplay so I've been listening to Alex Jones in my sleep for at least 3 hours. Weird part was all my dreams were about how I accidentally shit myself because I was unable to hobble to the toilet. So I woke up thinking I had literally shit the bed, but I think that's just the effect Alex Jones has on your brain.

Unrelated but has anyone on here ever broken a toe? Mine specifically is my pinky toe. It happened at work so I get workman's comp. I can hobble around but it doesn't feel like it's ever going to get any better. I still walk around so it doesn't get atrophy but when I do what the doctor says and elevate it above my heart it actually feels worse, especially when I wake up. Ugh.. never broken a bone before.

memedumpster - 2015-07-14

The transmachine extermination squads really can't happen fast enough.

RedHood - 2015-07-14

Sounds hawt.

baleen - 2015-07-14

One of many reasons that I want to knock the shit out of every idiot that thinks that every party has to become Conspiracy Corner.
I get so pissed off that half of my generation and those younger than me find it necessary to talk about this guy's theories (whether or not they even know what infowars is) at every available opportunity.

Kabbage - 2015-07-14

Hooo leeee shit.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2015-07-14

Yeah, I thought the title was a joke/exaggeration.

Xenocide - 2015-07-14

Someone please get Alex Jones laid. I think that's been the solution this whole time.

ashtar. - 2015-07-14

But who will take one for team humanity? Thinking about that question is a really good case for asexuality.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2015-07-14

Fun fact: Alex Jones is married, and there's been infighting over whether to believe or disregard Alex Jones within the conspiracy theory/red pill/illuminati/zionists/9-11 was an inside job/etc. community for the last couple years because it was discovered that Alex's wife is Jewish.

The mental gymnastics that pop up in comments on his Youtube videos of people who believe the whole world is one giant Jew conspiracy while agreeing with everything Alex Jones says but also believing they can't trust anything he says because he's a "Zionist Shill" are truly something to behold.

Old_Zircon - 2015-07-14

To be fair, what he's saying isn't THAT much different from what real Transhumanists actually believe, they just cast it in a utopian light.

Not saying it isn't crazy gibberish, it's just that the difference between this crazy gibberish and the crazy gibberish that informs a lot of really influential people is more a matter of grooming than content.

infinite zest - 2015-07-14

Sometimes it's almost like he's making a good point. Like, I know plenty of people who would say the same thing, although it's more of a "good for them but don't do it in front of me" thing. There was another one I was listening to (honestly Alex Jones makes for some crazy shit to fall asleep to) where Jones pretty much identified with the decision to take down all confederate flags because he lived with blacks and lived in a projects area of Austin that was primarily black, etc. and then it just goes all nutty again...

Without the nuttiness I guess we wouldn't have our fun.. I know you don't like him but you can thank Richard Linklater for introducing him to the world outside the world that he perceives.

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