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Comment count is 11
Hooker - 2015-08-11

The best episode has and always will be The Tick vs The Tick. There's really no debate on this.

betabox - 2015-08-11

Grandpa Wore Tights was hilarious, and featured some great voice talent.

fluffy - 2015-08-11

My favorite will always be The Tick vs. Arthur's Bank Account.

infinite zest - 2015-08-11

I think my favorite was the one with the monkey where they get trapped in the prehistoric hotel and have to be waiters and such with the rest of the monkeys. That episode didn't mean as much to me when I was a kid before I had my first job at a private athletic club as it does now today.

Bort - 2015-08-12

So many contenders, but I liked "Armless But Not Harmless". My favorite thing is that the villainess is dressed in a Venus of Willendorf costume.

Really, you can't go wrong with so much of the series. To this day I use "itlan" as a dummy variable or a debug message.

infinite zest - 2015-08-12

Yeah I can't think of a "bad" episode the way I can list off seasons of Simpsons or other animated programs. It's a shame that the more adult-oriented live action Tick got nearly everything wrong..

It's fun watching all of these again. Tick when I was a kid was funny, sort of like Don Martin. I did get some of the humor and it wasn't just "blue man falls down building gets hit by train" humor but I sort of tuned out a lot of the snappy dialogue because I hadn't been in a world where it existed yet. So that being said, Spoon!

Scrimmjob - 2015-08-11

I never realized that Micky Dolenz does the voice of Arthur.

fluffy - 2015-08-12

I always thought it was Rob Paulsen.

fluffy - 2015-08-12

Ah, looks like they both did.

Jet Bin Fever - 2015-08-12

THis is indeed my favorite Tick episode. Thanks for the memories!

Corpus Delectable - 2015-08-12

Alright. 14:29. Never once tempted to crack even a smile. Not gonna rate so you can all have your feelings, but that's some seriously shit TV right there.

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