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Comment count is 16
TeenerTot - 2015-08-13


fedex - 2015-08-13

must...not...make...facebook comment! GARRGGH!

TeenerTot - 2015-08-13

oh and stars

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2015-08-13

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Caminante Nocturno - 2015-08-13

This definitely looks like it's the best possible use of his time.

Scynne - 2015-08-13

Checking more than one news source is really hard.

blue vein steel - 2015-08-13

i have a feeling this guy gets all his news from Breitbart. Probably a big Trump supporter

Raggamuffin - 2015-08-13

Frustrated with the lack of success of his previous dating profile videos, Jon tries a different tack...

Anaxagoras - 2015-08-13

This new WWE character is pretty fucking stupid.

The key to a good angle is believability, at least on some level.

blue vein steel - 2015-08-13

Yeah, this guy makes Zeb Coulter look like Bill Buckley

also, kind of a pussy. Yells a lot, begs other people to do stuff for him. He probably didn't have very many friends as a kid.

13.5 - 2015-08-13

I tried starting it a week ago and you said it was a false-flag operation!

oddeye - 2015-08-13

5 star comment!

Sometimes I wish all those school shootings really where false flag operations so all those kids could come back to life.

Also I wish folk that harass grieving parents with this bullshit are cured of their toxic insanity in the most torturous way possible.

Void 71 - 2015-08-13

This guy HAS to be an FBI agent looking for another Randy Weaver (low-hanging fruit). He looks and acts the part perfectly.

Sudan no1 - 2015-08-13

I was hoping he would fire his peashooter :(

Xenocide - 2015-08-14

"Cancel the march in October. In fact, cancel all my Mooslim activities for the next six months."

"But why, Minister Farrakhan?"

"A bald man with a micropenis just challenged me to a duel on Facebook! I must go to Arizona! Inform everyone in Iran."

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-08-15

Shaun Adkins It's coming. Can you feel it? IT'S COMING!!!

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