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Comment count is 12
13.5 - 2015-08-14

Ok, security checks out, welcome to the port, we have such sights to show you


I said welcome to the port

yogarfield - 2015-08-14

heh heh

Caminante Nocturno - 2015-08-14

Good evening.

I mean, good morning?

Oh, no...

Nominal - 2015-08-14

Shockwave needed dubstep.

fedex - 2015-08-14

more Wub Wub?

SixDigitDebt - 2015-08-14


Binro the Heretic - 2015-08-14

They left the barricade raised.

Anyone could just drive right in there.

jangbones - 2015-08-14

back away slowly....FASTER NOW....

dairyqueenlatifah - 2015-08-14

"Errr...on second thought I'm calling in sick."

infinite zest - 2015-08-14

So now what they're saying probably caused it was a smaller fire that firefighters came to put out and that a reaction between calcium carbine and water makes acetylene, which when combined with ammonium nitrate, which was also in the factory, causes shit to blow up like this.

fedex - 2015-08-15

it gets worse:

http://news.yahoo.com/death-toll-china-blasts-rises-85-xinhua- 021753336.html

Deadly sodium cyanide confirmed at China blast site

RockBolt - 2015-08-15

Hmm, nope..


Nope, nope, NOPE NOPE NOPE

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