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Comment count is 9
Jimmy Labatt - 2015-08-18

Jesus I had no idea there were so many variations to this

That guy - 2015-08-18

I'm sure they created a few of their own. Can't stop genius.

Old_Zircon - 2015-08-19

Ok, great, but I still don't know what it means if I'm sliding into home and my shorts are full of foam. 1 star.

That guy - 2015-08-19

I've had a friend or two say that they shit foam once.

My hand to God.

That guy - 2015-08-20


infinite zest - 2015-08-19

The Family that sharts together, stays together.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2015-08-19

This defied my expectations as to what this would entail.

That guy - 2015-08-19

Now imagine being on vacation with them during this trip. Really just sit down and try to fully imagine it.

infinite zest - 2015-08-19

The Takeshi Miike version's a little different..

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