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Comment count is 17
15th - 2015-09-01

Anime is so depraved.

Cube - 2015-09-02

Oh the days when videos like this were just the actual thing. Not 4 minutes of some idiot trying to be funny and maybe a minute of what the video should be about.

Old_Zircon - 2015-09-02

Yeah I literally can't stand to watch this.

Bort - 2015-09-02

I always liked the "Home For Infinite Losers" dodge; at least they were having fun with it.

I'm less fond of when they redub it like "Now that I have destroyed that abandoned city, you know I mean business!"

Kid Fenris - 2015-09-02

Yeah, that cracked me up when I first saw the show.

I'm surprised they even bothered censoring his halo, since Dragon Ball's version of the afterlife is as elastic and goofy as Achewood's.

Stars for the content, not for the host.

Bort - 2015-09-02

Oh that reminds me of the best way DBZ was censored (that I know of anyway): the character we know as "Hercule" in English, was known in Japan as "Mr. Satan". I can't say I'm surprised they would try to suppress stuff like this:

http://uploads.dragonballencyclopedia.com/5/5c/Satan_City_bill board.png

I don't find it offensive, but when you have the choice to piss off a demographic or not with your cartoon, I understand why you might choose not to.

SolRo - 2015-09-02

I want to one star this so badly for "5 weird things!"

Adham Nu'man - 2015-09-02


Killer Joe - 2015-09-02

I bet animators HATE this guy!

misterbuns - 2015-09-02

what a cool dude!

Cena_mark - 2015-09-02

Then why'd you give him one star? He worked hard on this video and it wouldn't be here if he didn't make it.

Accidie - 2015-09-02


StanleyPain - 2015-09-02

I was never much of an anime person, but I did occasionally watch episodes of DBZ, Tenchi Muyo and a lot of that Toonami stuff out of boredom and was always greatly entertaining by the "special bottles of tea" and glasses of "water" that had foaming heads on them.

Not to mention the badly superimposed underwear.

M-DEEM - 2015-09-02

This is one of the most meaningless things I've ever watched. Just completely empty.

Is that five stars or one?

il fiore bel - 2015-09-03

You vote whichever way your now empty heart tells you!

M-DEEM - 2015-10-07

Belated five just for you, you dickens you

TheOtherCapnS - 2015-09-02

Not everyone has time to read a listicle. Sometimes, you need an awkward dork from the drama club to read it out loud for you.

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