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Comment count is 25
John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-08-31

It sort of blows my mind that Thunderf00t is right about something, but that's not all. Aurani called Thunderf00t "a professional character assassin", so all of a sudden, Aurani is ALSO right about something!

Oh, and as the hissy fits between Team Thunderf00t and Team shitty O/A start up, someone posted an attack on Thunderf00t that was so awful that I came to his defense. THAT'S RIGHT!! I actually white-knighted for Thunderf00t!!!

https://twitter.com/rayflix/status/637805667978448896/photo/1< br />
We're through the looking glass, people! Have I been transported to a strange parallel universe? Or is it "The Sarkeesian Effect"?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-08-31

I don't remember 5 starring myself. Sorry, Homer. And when I say that I'm sorry, what I mean by that is fuck you.

Two Jar Slave - 2015-09-01

Wait, who is thunderf00t in the context of this bizarre conflict? I thought he was just a guy making a video, but his involvement does seem a bit more personal (he gives them an interview, I guess?). I'm here for the shambling decomposition Davis Aurini, not for the #gaternews.

Two Jar Slave - 2015-09-01

And stars.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-09-01

>>I'm here for the shambling decomposition Davis Aurini, not for the #gaternews.

Well, you're in luck, because the gaternews is all about shambling decomposition.

>>Wait, who is thunderf00t in the context of this bizarre conflict?

Thunderf00t is, of course, a true piece of work. I think there two things that might be going on here, and both of them involve his mighty ego. Here's a video I made last year about Thunderf00t.


In October, Thunderf00t's Twitter account was suspended for "targeted harassment". Twitter was being criticized for not doing enough about the GG threats, and so (I believe) they responded by banning Thunderf00t. In reality, Thunderf00t was probably not directly involved in Twitter threats, but was targeted because his name showed up a lot in threatening messages. One of his videos was supposed to show the evidence that Anita misrepresented a single detail in a single game, and that was taken as a huge smoking gun that proved that Anita was lying scam artist, yadda yadda yadda. If you've ever been flagged by social media (I was flagged by youtube a couple of times, for copyright violations) you know how random and arbitrary it can be.



So Thunderf00t responded with two videos which documented his bizarre claim that Anita was directly responsible for getting him banned from Twitter, and the evidence that he provides for this is transparent nonsense (see my video) though of course, TF's fans and fellow Anitaphobes took it at face value. According to A Voice for Men, Thunderf00t's claims were "confirmed."

If you watch these videos closely, you can see that what TF is doing goes beyond another bullshit attack on Anita. He's trying to establish his credentials as Anita's nemesis. He's released maybe a dozen videos that contain her name in the title, but SHE'S focused on attacking HIM!

I'd bet real money that TF assumed that, as Anita's arch nemesis, he would be the natural hero of The Sarkeesian Effect, which was why he gave the interview, and I can see Aurini stroking his ego by allowing him that impression. I suspect that Aurani understands narcissists. Instead, TF probably comes off as a minor figure. I don't remember seeing him in the trailer.

Also, of course, everything TF says about TSE being an ever-spreading sinkhole of FAIL is pretty much on the money, so TF is probably doing the right thing by getting out in front, making sure he's not associated with this laughing stock, since he now appears to be part of it.

Bort - 2015-09-01

"If you watch these videos closely, you can see that what TF is doing goes beyond another bullshit attack on Anita. He's trying to establish his credentials as Anita's nemesis."

Interesting observation.

Crabs in a bucket, except even if one climbs his way out, he's still not going to benefit in any possible way. The benefits of escaping are entirely in these crabs' heads.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-09-01

Now some of the Gators are criticizing TF, and that's the best, most surreal part. Dr. Phil is charged with "negativity", and " not being constructive," which is an EXTRA ironic way of accusing someone of undermining your internet hate campaign.

I'll post a link later, when I'm at my computer, instead of my phone.

Nominal - 2015-09-01

thunderf00t is someone who would have gone away long ago if the people who claim to hate him didn't constantly keep bringing him up with one of his videos constantly on the front page. Sort of like how the only thing keeping MRAs in cultural relevance are the people who can't stop bringing up MRAs.

By the way how did MRA get to become the shorthand for asshole when MGTOWs are infinitely worse?

Shoebox Joe - 2015-09-02

Nominal, he would've gone away from PORTAL OF EVIL. A site devoted not just to weird, creepy bits like adult babys, but political cognitive dissonance, sociopaths and charlatans. Let alone the occasional PUA/MRA video.

Also, I'd like to hear your explanation of how one in two groups of people is better than the other when both have pretty much spawned from anti-feminism, populated by anti-feminists and advocated largely by anti-feminists. In concept, I can see how MRA IS a legitimate standing, but I don't know if there has been a time when it had enough of a demographic who were loud enough and focused enough to not sound like a bunch of whiny, pseudo-philosophical douches.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-09-02

I suppose this is inaccurate, but I've always used "MRA" as a generic umbrella term for all the PUAs, MGTOWs, TFLs and so on. I just seems more general than the others, and a larger group.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-09-02

There are moments when I'm tired of tThunderf00t, but I think the MRAs and the SJWs are fascinating. This is still very early in the formation of internet culture. There may come a time when we're all sick and tired of flaming each other, and willing to experiment with empathy. I'm starting to feel that way. Thank God there's still some hope. I still think of myself as a feminist, but ever since shirtgate, I've become aware that some feminists can be real assholes, and it helps me see things from the other side

The other day, I got a flame-tweet from a feminist: DONT TELL WOMEN WHAT TO DO!!! STICK A FORK IN IT!!! Why? Because I was pleading for compassion and understanding for a rape survivor. that's why. (I'm talking about Chrissie Hynde.)

I tweeted back: I'm just going to block you. Have a nice angry day.

I'll admit it. Having a moment of empathy for Thunderf00t felt good.

Two Jar Slave - 2015-09-02

This is a great discussion, and I've enjoyed it even though I have nothing to contribute.

yogarfield - 2015-09-01

I'm so fucking tired of this guy.

Cena_mark - 2015-09-01

His motto used to be "Science and education for the win." Now it's "Crying and neckbearding for the loss."

Nominal - 2015-09-01

It's the only thing people tired of Thunderf00t do more than whine about Thunderf00t is submit Thunderf00t videos.

Scrimmjob - 2015-09-02

I'm super bored with every aspect of this stupid bullshit.

lotsmoreorcs - 2015-09-01

you guys do know that her family massacred its own people during the armenian genocide right

Anaxagoras - 2015-09-01

Since that information is completely irrelevant to Sarkeesian's work, this particular video, and pretty much everything anywhere, I don't know why you think that:

A) we should already know that, or

B) why you thought it worthwhile to mention.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-09-01

I things she's joking... Uh, right?

Anaxagoras - 2015-09-01

Oh God, you're probably right. I'm such an idiot.

Hooray for humourless literalism!

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-09-01

Hey, it wouldn't have been the dumbest thing anybody ever accused Anita with. I'm still not sure.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-09-01

>>>thunderf00t is someone who would have gone away long ago if the people who claim to hate him didn't constantly keep bringing him up with one of his videos constantly on the front page. Sort of like how the only thing keeping MRAs in cultural relevance are the people who can't stop bringing up MRAs.

Shhh... Don't talk during the movie; its finally getting good! Anyway, I don't hate Thunderf00t. In fact, I recently defended him in the YouTube comments, and, as everybody knows, that means I want to have sex with him.

>>By the way how did MRA get to become the shorthand for asshole when MGTOWs are infinitely worse?

I don't know about anybody else, but its the MRAs, especially the loathsome Saragon of Akkad, that YouTube keeps trying to shove down my throat.

oddeye - 2015-09-01

did he shove a banana up his ass or something?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-09-01

Saragon of Akkad is essentially Thuinderf00t without the charm.

Old_Zircon - 2015-09-02

Can we get a new Internet already? The one we've got now is broken.

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