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Comment count is 40
fedex - 2015-08-31

Hair Simulator 1.5

Sudan no1 - 2015-08-31

It's a shame that FF seems stuck with Tetsuya Nomura for the foreseeable future. Dude's designs have reached this boring 'black leather with belts and hair gel' plateau.

I also expected the scenery to be more... fantastical? Where are the weird glass forests and misty valleys from the other games. Oh well.

garcet71283 - 2015-08-31

Hope the game ends with a gasoline fight.

TheOtherCapnS - 2015-08-31

Haven't really played a FF since X, but I got to play the demo of this and the battle system is actually really novel and fun. From what I'm reading about it, I will probably pick it up next year.

infinite zest - 2015-08-31

I haven't played one since 7, but I don't really see the problem here. If you like off-roading and hitting pedestrians and ignoring a plot, play GTA or any of its clones. FF games have always been plot-heavy and while it's cool that they've made them less linear, if I was a fan this wouldn't bother me.

What does bother me is how their hair stays perfect despite going pretty fast in a convertable. Also, isn't this encroaching on Duke Nukem Forever's "when it's done" release date record at this point? From what I've seen, it looks pretty, but I've already seen prettier from the likes of Borderlands 2 and, well that's the only game I have but there's some beautiful stuff out there.

EvilHomer - 2015-08-31

>> What does bother me is how their hair stays perfect despite going pretty fast in a convertable.

I take it you've never played in an emo band before!

You're right about the graphics looking faintly like ass, though. My biggest problem with this is the noticeably limited draw distance on the trees and foliage; the scenery keeps winking in and out of existence like the grass in Oblivion, eight years ago.

infinite zest - 2015-08-31

Jeez! I didn't even notice the draw distance the first time! That's like PS2 quality

gmol - 2015-08-31

I'd have to play this game to find an appropriate canonical shot to photoshop an 8-bt FIGHTER, BL. MAGE. asking" What the god damn hell is this. What is this?"

Crab Mentality - 2015-08-31

2:42 I was really hoping he was going to pull the old Captain America lure the driver away, then steal the car trick.

Holy crap this looks boring.

Passenger simulator 2015. (Or whenever this game comes out, I don't care.)

Ugh - 2015-08-31


That guy - 2015-08-31

I had to click through to see if this was real.

.......I'm still not convinced.

Nikon - 2015-08-31

This was so god damn boring! Videogames are supposed to be fun!

BiggerJ - 2015-08-31

I found L.A. Noire's 'upstanding automobile driver' simulation sequences to be interesting, but only because it was no goddamn novel to actually do that in a video game. But this is a FUCKING FANTASY STORY. God, I hope the lack of freedom isn't going to be a theme like in FFXIII - it was interesting story-wise but it TOOK THE PLAYER'S FREEDOM AWAY.

FFXIII: Freedom can be daunting, but once you go free, you'll never go back... see?

FFXIII-2: Freedom can sometimes be illusory. Don't kid yourself into thinking you have more freedom than you actually have (see also: The Stanley Parable).

FFXII LR: Freedom is expensive; the price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

BiggerJ - 2015-09-01

*so goddamn novel

chumbucket - 2015-08-31

Yeah I never liked these "games".

Old_Zircon - 2015-08-31

Music sounds like the closing credits for one of those "news magazine" programs in 1989.

Hooker - 2015-08-31

This series is distinguished for it's amazing soundtracks.

Old_Zircon - 2015-08-31

The think about the FF soundtracks is that the more realistic the instruments sound the less interesting the music is, because from a strictly compositional standpoint it's incredibly conservative. What made the old SNES FF soundtracks so great was that they were trying to render this sort of lush, overproduced sound with hardware that was completely unable to deliver it, and that's what made it interesting (jsut like how a lot of the best NES music sounds good because they were trying to create slick, 80s prog-metal with three basic waveforms and noise and it came out sounding completely weird). Now that they can actually make the music sound more or less like live instruments (or just use prerecorded tracks of actual instruments) it sounds regressive next to 20 year old TV commercials, much less anything contemporary. It makes all of those documentary soundtracks that sound like tidied up versions of 15 year old Godspeed You Black Emperor tracks sound downright futuristic in comparison.

Which would be fine if the music wasn't such a big part of the series' reputation, but the fact that it is just makes it another reminder that AAA gaming is deeply stunted.

Old_Zircon - 2015-08-31

The music in this clip sounds like it's tapping into the whole 80s/early 90s smooth music revival except completely by accident.

EvilHomer - 2015-08-31

Well, I think the music's pretty good! Your 80s/90s smooth music observation is spot-on, OZ, but I don't believe the similarity came about "completely by accident". The song sounds like 80s/90s smooth music because it's *written by* one of the legendary composers who helped to define early-90s VG music!

The soundtrack's not composed by Nobuo Uematsu this time around (which is a shame; I love Mr Uematsu's work), but rather a woman named Yoko Shimomura. Ms Shimomura's got an incredibly impressive resume, one which is ideally suited, I think, for the new Final Fantasy - she was the composer for Street Fighter II (one of the best VG soundtracks ever), Super Mario RPG (widely acclaimed, although personally I never much cared for it), and all six-thousand versions of Kingdom Hearts (KH fans = the perfect demographic for FF XV to cater to).

C'mon, OZ. This was the lady who gave us "Chun-Li" and "Guile's Theme"! That's gotta count for something.

EvilHomer - 2015-08-31

If you're not fond of the soundtracks for Final Fantasy or AAA titles in general, might I inquire as to what VG music (specific games or composers) you do find enjoyable?

EvilHomer - 2015-08-31

(My own favorite VG composers are probably Michiru Yamane, Daisuke Ishiwatari, and Ogeretsu Kun; best known for Castlevania SotN, Guilty Gear, and Megaman 2, respectively. Whomever was ghostwriting for that SNEAKY LYING FAKE BASTARD Mamoru Samuragochi on the original Resident Evil soundtrack was excellent, too!)

Potrod - 2015-08-31

I love that Japanese video game composers never really grew out of that one '80s guitar sound that you hear in almost every dreamcast game.

Potrod - 2015-08-31

I think OZ has some weird appreciation of music that's based exclusively on what technology it was made with rather than things like melodies, chord progressions, rhythms, etc.

Quad9Damage - 2015-08-31

This video is missing some crucial answers to important questions.

Can I smash into shit and run people over?
Do cars and people drop gil and XP if they are hit?
Are there wanted stars?
Does vehicular murder shift the quaint piano/guitar chord music into hardcore murdertunes?
Can I jump over the railing and kill the lizardgators on the beach for XP?
Can I hit monsters with my car instead of having to jump out and fight them?
Real-time or turn based?
Can I do summons while I'm in the car?
Will doing summons too close to the car wreck the car?
Will monsters randomly run over and start beating on my car?
Are there shops where I can custom design out Tetsuya Nomura's hair and clothing choices?

Scrimmjob - 2015-08-31

You bet your ass there will be!

Oscar Wildcat - 2015-08-31

Road tripping with Brokencyde.

garcet71283 - 2015-08-31



Aelric - 2015-08-31

I find this to be such an oddity that I'm compelled to try it out. I can't quite place why, but there is something about this that reminds me of the Yakuza series. Maybe it's the use of otherwise mundane things as primary gameplay features, I don't know. The combat I've seen in other videos seems reminiscent of FF12, which was the last Final Fantasy I enjoyed at all (the one that used Star Wars for it's plot). Either way, I'll at least give it a look barring horrid reviews.

That said, I recently tried to play the first hour of FF13's PC port and it was an unyielding slog into nightmareland. And my previous roommate bought a 00 computer to play FF14 and hog the living room to do so, which was infuriating, so probably it'll all be terrible and fuck Final Fantasy forever.

Quad9Damage - 2015-08-31

I don't have a Playstation 4, and the fact that the PC port/Steam version will be loaded down with shitty DRM and a forced login screen doesn't make this an option for me outside of maybe a Spoony review if he ever returns to work.

Aelric - 2015-08-31


Kid Fenris - 2015-08-31

Desert Bus 2

takewithfood - 2015-08-31

It's like Bizarro Grand Theft Auto.

spikestoyiu - 2015-08-31

Finally, an HD remake of Penn & Teller's Desert Bus.

Tough American Bouncer - 2015-08-31

You wish. I believe that half of these windbags won't stay quiet.

Herr Matthias - 2015-08-31

Uh, what? I hated the plethora of stupid little mini-games in FF7.

BHWW - 2015-09-01

It's just fun to hang with the dudes :cue NRBQ's 'Me & The Boys' on the soundtrack:

Nikon - 2015-09-02

Backstreet Boys - Everybody (Backstreet's Back)

Dumb Lamer - 2015-09-02

When I was a teenager, these games sucked me out of the real world and into fun fantasy worlds. This looks like the day I spent 90 minutes driving to Ventura, California along the beach.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2015-09-03

I'm really worried about how the final product is going to turn out. They've confirmed that it's going to release next year, but good god these newest bits of footage make it look like it's nowhere near done. Or at least, I hope it's nowhere near done.

I'm getting the horrible feeling that it's going to end up like Too Human, Duke Nukem Forever, Aliens: Colonial Marines, and every other game that spent more than nine years in development hell.

If XV sucks, I can see Square Enix going the way of Konami and turning Final Fantasy into a series of pachinko slot machines.

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